TV Series

Whether you’re looking for new recommendations, in-depth episode recaps, or insightful critiques, our reviews provide valuable insights to help you navigate the vast landscape of television entertainment.

The Good Place: Season 1 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Though it had a rough start, The Good Place learned how to balance out a bunch of quirky and eccentric characters and craft a plot which fits the usual NBC factory of making programs which are unique and against the norm.

The New Edition Story (Part 1) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

All TV Biopics aim to be on the level of the Temptations or Little Richard, but often times they at worse are the Aaliyah movie or on the level of CrazySexyCool. However, with The New Edition Story, be it because it is in multiple parts and not cramming 5 lives and careers into two hours,…

Cross Ange: Season 1/ Episodes 1 to 8 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode 1: Fallen Princess Overview A beloved princess discovers the world she thought was her oyster, was never meant for people like her. Trigger Warning(s): Uncomfortable scene dealing with clothes being ripped off and a physical exam Review (with Spoilers) When the episode begins, honestly I thought this was going to be another sci-fi/ fantasy…

Delicious: Season 1/ Episode 3 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Do you know anyone who seems to live for drama so they decide to become friendly with people who they swore off, get into relationships which will only cause them heartache and headaches, and basically chose people who decide they ain’t manure as well? Well, like those people, Delicious seems to…

Believe: Season 1/ Episodes 1 to 6.5 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Think Touch with less mystery, more likable characters, and a kid which can actually communicate. Review (with Spoilers) A part of me misses Touch, the first season anyway, when Jake was a likable little mute. But as time went on it went haywire and Keifer Sutherland was unable to save it from itself. But…

Believe: Series Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) I should probably note, I’m speaking on this series mostly out of nostalgia and while I will recognize its fault which led it to only having one season, I figured this would be better than just spamming this blog with all of season 1’s episodes. So, with that said, let’s…