How Are Posts Written?


A one to two-sentence summary either hinting at what happens or general feelings.

Production Information

Information such as the director(s), writer(s), genre, release date, advisory rating, duration, and actors are included for all new postings.

Summary or Recap

Within this section, either within five paragraphs or three headings, which usually have a combined total of 9 paragraphs, we break down notable storylines and what’s going on with various characters.

Things To Note | Other Noteworthy Information | Question(s) Left Unanswered | Discussion Items

If something was notable but just didn’t fit into the recap/ review, be it the age of a character or further information about something said, it will be placed here. Also, for some productions, there are topics left for future installments or for fans to debate amongst themselves. In this section, you’ll find questions worth keeping in mind for future entries into the series or for discussion in the comment section.

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs

If there is a line or moment that has to be captured, it is placed within this section and also placed in a monthly post that holds the collected quotes and .gifs from the month.


As the name implies, here there is a summary of the highlights. Be it certain storylines, an actor’s performance, how excited the author is about the show’s future, etc.

Low Points or Criticism

Here we write about some aspects of the production that can be frustrating or disappointing.

On The Fence

We believe there should be a gray area when talking about productions. Things that may depend on your taste, that could have been done better, or weren’t consistently good, are noted within this section.


The “Overall” section is used to summarize the information above and justify the category given. There is more on our rating system below.

Character Guides

The purpose of our character guides is for reference, and they generally include the character’s name and the actor’s name, alongside when they were first noted or introduced, a summary, and information revealed throughout the series or franchise.

Writing Style

Our writing style is conversational as part of the goal of bridging the gap between the average fan and critic. Also, we’re more geared towards making it where you feel like you’re talking to a friend or at least someone who recognizes most people watch, read, or attend things for enjoyment.

With that noted, our style isn’t for everyone, as it can contain a level of bias and strong opinions. But it has evolved, so what you see in the archives might be a bit uncouth compared to what has been posted closer to the present.

Also, we don’t judge media by a universal standard. An HBO show isn’t going to be looked at the same way as something on FreeForm, as they are focused on different demographics and release different types of programming. So, you may find some movies and shows praised for what others get criticized for since there are different expectations.

But know this: We’re not in the business of hate-watching anything. Generally speaking, we watch things we’ve paid for, hence our embracing the idea that we’re more of an average fan or consumer than a critic. So when it comes to things listed within “On The Fence” or noted as criticism, it’s disappointment based on expectations due to marketing or who is involved.

How Are Spoilers Handled?

Spoilers provide context to commentary, and our goal is never to give an exhaustive summary of what happened. This means that characters might be omitted in some reviews to avoid unnecessary spoilers or due to lack of impact. 

What’s Your Rating System?

While we use a percentage system for SEO purposes, staying true to our original concept that numbers aren’t the best method to rate a production, we continue using the labels Positive, Mixed, and Negative.

Each media type provides a different explanation per the production, be it a movie, TV series, or any of the other creative platforms we cover. The general gist for them all are:

  • Positive-rated media are productions that either meet or surpass expectations based on what was advertised and viewed.
      • Positive Rating Range: 80 and above (B to A+)
      • Recommended Rating Range: A rating of 85 or above qualifies to be recommended. However, it is up to our writers to choose whether to label something that good.
  • Mixed-labeled media has some flaws that could affect your opinion of the production, but it can still be enjoyable.
    • Mixed Rating Range: 70 through 79.9 (C to C+)
  • Negative, a sparingly used label, is for productions with one or two bright spots. However, it is difficult to say if the few shining moments compensate for the total experience.
    • Negative Rating Range: 60 through 69.9 (D to D+)
    • Note: The chance of anything being rated 60 would require a single criticism and nothing else. That isn’t likely to happen as nearly all productions have at least one positive or mixed heading, and “60” isn’t a number we use too often – if at all.

Rating Factors

The main things we focus on are the following:

  • Characters: Are characters developed as individuals? Are their aspirations detailed and personalities interesting? Do they have a hook? What about the chemistry between the characters? Is there compatibility and chemistry, or does it seem it was more about casting attractive people or actors with name recognition?
  • World-Building: Does the production present a sense of culture? Is there a world beyond the lead(s) or ensemble?
  • Story Overall: Do the characters and their world present a cohesive unit? Do the obstacles in their world make their progress towards a goal, resolution, or getting through a chapter of life remain interesting throughout the production?
  • Pacing: Does the production overstay its welcome? Are certain characters, topics, or storylines underdeveloped? Does it take too long to hook you and the production relies too heavily on something, or someone, advertised to get you to stay?
  • Diverse Hooks: If one element doesn’t work or have massive appeal, does it compensate by providing viewers options? Is the film geared towards a specific audience regarding humor, story, writing or performances? For example, would it be considered something more for the crowd who enjoy subversive indie movies, or is the production more commercial and aimed at a mainstream audience?
  • (Re)Watch Value: Is it worth recommending to others who haven’t seen it? Would you even watch it again with that person, or even on your own?

Disclosure Policy

Wherever I Look is a website that accepts screeners and works with marketing teams and ad networks to produce content consistently.

Please note that Wherever I Look has financial relationships with some of the merchants and may be compensated monetarily or with products if consumers choose to utilize the links throughout the site’s content and generate sales for the said merchant.

At Wherever I Look, though the owner and writers of this website may receive compensation or free access to materials or events, our reviews and experiences are honest and are expressly the writers’ own.

We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We also work with Impact, which offers an affiliate advertising program with many streaming platforms.

This website does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer or editorial guidelines, you can email