Hightown Cast and Character Guide

Title Card - Hightown Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere] – Starz (2)

A cast and character guide for the STARZ series Hightown featuring who plays who, information about each character, and other noteworthy information about the show.

A cast and character guide for the STARZ series Hightown featuring who plays who, information about each character, and other noteworthy information about the show.

Please Note: This content contains pertinent spoilers, descriptions are updated as new information is presented, images changed as better ones are captured, and this is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, guest star, or reoccurring role.

General Information About Hightown

Provincetown in the distance.

Creator(s) Rebecca Cutter
First Aired (STARZ) 5/17/2020

Groups & Organizations

  • Drug Diversion Unit (2.4): A unit in the prison system dedicated to drug addicts and non violent offenders who need rehabilitation over punishment.

Notable Locations

  • Provincetown: P-Town, amongst other names, is noted to be gay heaven and also a place where drugs are rampant. Not to say Provincetown is strictly about partying, there are people who don’t necessarily care for the scene, but it is a major attraction.
  • Xavier’s: The strip club where Renee dances
  • Bourne: A nearby town which also has a drug population problem.

Terms To Know

  • Gold Star: Meaning you never had sex with someone of the opposite sex.
  • Pink Cloud: The early days of sobriety which makes you feel and act like you have immense clarity

Other Noteworthy Information

  • 1.2: Based on Krista’s intake form, it is the summer of 2019
  • 1.4: Show starts on August 22nd, and is at September 6th as of episode 4.
  • 1.6: It’s around September 8th.
  • Great White (2.1): Charmaine’s new drug hitting the market

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Jackie Quinones (Monica Raymund)

Jackie (Monica Raymund) during a AA meeting.
Jackie (Monica Raymund)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

A member of the National Marine Fishery Services, as a special agent, who is a gold star lesbian that enjoys drinking, drugs, and hooking up. At least when we first meet her. An incident at the end of the first episode seemingly will redirect her life for the better.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Jackie

  • 1.2: Had one serious relationship previously, with a girl named Devonne.
    • Her father is a fisherman who lost a finger and cheated on her mom.
  • 2.1: As of the start of this season, she is 50 days sober but doesn’t have a sponsor and hasn’t begun her 4th step.
  • Only Child (2.4): She is a only child
  • Home Street (2.9): Shawmut Avenue


Sherry (Masha King)

Sherry (Masha King) in her car with Krista.
Sherry (Masha King)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

Sherry was a drug dealer until she was murdered by Osito. But now she is someone who has changed Jackie, and many other people’s lives, forever.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Sherry

  • 1.2: Was 22


Ray (James Badge Dale)

Ray (James Badge Dale) questioning Jackie.
Ray (James Badge Dale)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

A narcotics state cop who has a real hard-on for Frankie Cuevas and is trying to link Sherry’s death to him.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Ray

  • 1.1: We’re told, through Alan, and shown through his relationship with Renee, he doesn’t have a significant other or any life outside of work.
  • 1.4: Has a 17-year-old son and ex-wife.
  • 2.1: Was 18 years on state police and a Seargent in the Narcotics Unit


Frankie Cuevas (Amaury Nolasco)

Frankie (Amaury Nolasco) in his prison jumpsuit.
Frankie (Amaury Nolasco)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

A former kingpin of Dominican descent, that Ray took down and now is dealing with 15 years in prison for trafficking and distribution.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Frankie

  • 1.1: Has a son, Frankie Jr. with Renee


Alan (Dohn Norwood)

Alan (Dohn Norwood) with a stern face.
Alan (Dohn Norwood)

First Noted In –  Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

Ray’s partner who has a family, including a baby, and is less high-strung than Ray. Not to the point of appearing lazy but certainly not putting in extra hours than necessary. Mainly since he believes in a healthy work/ life balance.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Alan

  • Career Length (2.10): He has been a cop for at least 10 years


Krista (Crystal Lake Evans)

Krista (Crystal Lake Evans) in a picture.
Krista (Crystal Lake Evans)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

One of Sherry’s closest friends who recently got out of rehab and witnesses her murder.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Krista

  • 1.2: Was born 2/13/1996

Notable Episodes

Bethany (Claudia Logan) in rehab.
Bethany (Claudia Logan)
  • S1E3: We meet her friend Bethany (Claudia Logan) who ends up triggering a series of events which not only leads Krista to be found but people to know she is a witness.


Ed (Mike Pniewski)

Ed (Mike Pniewski) reminding Jackie that he is her superior.
Ed (Mike Pniewski)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

Jackie’s superior at the National Marine Fishery Services who also acts as a paternal figure in her life.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Ed


Michael (Michael Park)

Michael (Michael Park) asking for his son to be excused for his mistakes.
Michael (Michael Park)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

A local fisherman who might be involved with Sherry’s murder. If not, at the very least, her ending up in the water.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Michael


Junior (Shane Harper)

Junior (Shane Harper) at a AA meeting.
Junior (Shane Harper)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

Michael’s son, who works with him on his boat, that is a recovering addict and is 90 days sober. Something he is very proud of and hoping to use to get his family back.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Junior

  • 1.1: His girl is named Donna.
  • 1.2: Was addicted to alcohol and fentanyl
    • Is 90 days sober


Renee Segna (Riley Voelkel)

Renee (Riley Voelkel) at her kitchen table.
Renee (Riley Voelkel)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Love You Like A Sister” [Series Premiere]

Brief Description

Frankie’s girl, and mother to his son, Frankie Jr., who is a stripper and sex worker to make ends meet. Also, pushed by Frankie, and Ray to a point, she is tasked with trying to work both sides so both men can be informed about that is going on. Though, with Ray, he may be looking for more than a CI.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Renee

  • 1.2: is 22
    • Stripper name is Candy
  • 1.6: Met Frankie when she was 19
    • Been Together How Long Now (2.8): Says she has been with Frankie since she was 18


Osito (Atkins Estimond)

Osito (Atkins Estimond) in his car.
Osito (Atkins Estimond)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 2 “Severely Weatherbeaten”

Brief Description

A Dominican-Haitian gangster who works for or with Frankie.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Osito

  • 1.2: Aliases: Emmanuel Delgado and Demonton Vargas
    • Was deported in 2017
  • 1.5: The first time he killed someone was when he was 15, when he was with his brother.


Donna (Ana Nogueira)

Donna (Ana Nogueira) talking with Junior.
Donna (Ana Nogueira)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 2 “Severely Weatherbeaten”

Brief Description

The mother of Junior’s daughter Mackayleigh.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Donna


Devonne (Gia Vrovatin)

Devonne (Gia Vrovatin) greeting Jackie at her door.
Devonne (Gia Vrovatin)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 3

Brief Description

Who Jackie notes as the love of her life, who is a nurse.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Devonne

Notable Episodes


Sean “Kizzle” Gandam (Edmund Donovan)

Kizzle (Edumund Donovan) in a car talking to Junior.
Kizzle (Edumund Donovan)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 3

Brief Description

One of Osito’s soldiers who isn’t often around him, but was with him when Sherry was murdered.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Kizzle

  • S1E4: Went to school with Ethan at Nauset Regional

Notable Episodes


Anthony (Drew Powell)

Anthony (Drew Powell) with Krista.
Anthony (Drew Powell)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 3

Brief Description

Krista’s sugar daddy who has a whole family but with Krista willing to do things his wife won’t, he keeps her around.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Anthony

  • S1E3: Lives in Wareham

Notable Episodes


Ethan (Angus O’Brien)

Ethan (Angus O'Brien) talking to Ray.
Ethan (Angus O’Brien)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 4

Brief Description

A CI that Ray recruits who might be the key to Ray taking down Osito.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Ethan

Notable Episodes


Charmaine (Imani Lewis)

Charmaine (Imani Lewis) on a bus to the cape
Charmaine (Imani Lewis)

Brief Introduction

Under her uncle Wayne (Craig Mums Grant), Charmaine has learned about the gangster and drug dealing life and rather than live with her aunt, or end up in the system, she and her sister decide they are going to pick up where their uncle left off.


  • Character Introduced In Season / Episode
  • The actor is also known for their role in "."

Additional Information

  • (Season / Episode):


Additional Information About Charmaine

  • First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 8
  • Orphan (2.8): Both her parents died by the time she was 8
  • Age (2.9): Just turned 18
  • Home Street (2.9): North Front Street


The circus don’t stop for just one clown.
— Charmaine (2.7)

Jorge (Luis Guzman)

Jorge (Luis Guzman) in Xavier's
Jorge (Luis Guzman)

In prison for quite some time, but recently released, Jorge is a cousin, a brother, just who Frankie needs to get his operation back from life support. But, while Frankie loves, adores, even needs Jorge, Renee has no love for this man since he is a constant reminder of her past and a leash on her future.

Additional Information

Quotes & Gifs

Leslie (Tonya Glanz)

Leslie (Tonya Glanz) sitting at her desk
Leslie (Tonya Glanz)

One of the cops for the Massachusetts state police who seemingly will become a mentor and ally to Jackie unless Jackie does something which could ruin her ascent in the department.

Additional Information

Quotes & Gifs

Daisy (Jona Xiao)

Daisy (Jona Xiao) telling Jorge about her childhood
Daisy (Jona Xiao)

Jorge’s main squeeze who works at Xavier’s.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In Season 2/ Episode 2 “Girl Power”
  • Real Name (2.4): Britney Chin
  • Backstory (2.4): She’s from Lowell, MA, and around 2016 she got in trouble with the law, due to her boyfriend at the time, and because of this, her daughter, Valentina, is living with her parents.

Quotes & Gifs

Nick (Joey LaBrasca)

Nick (Joey LaBrasca) turning his back on Ray
Nick (Joey LaBrasca)

Ray’s kid with who he has a strained relationship with.

Additional Information

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Henriette (Charline St. Charles)

Henriette (Charline St. Charles) talking to her husband
Henriette (Charline St. Charles)

Alan’s wife and mother of his child.

Additional Information

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Linda (Meagen Fay)

Linda (Meagen Fay) at dinner
Linda (Meagen Fay)

Ed’s wife.

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Maryanne (Sprague Grayden)

Nick and Maryanne (Sprague Grayden) outside, looking at Ray
Nick and Maryanne (Sprague Grayden)

Nick’s mother and Ray’s ex-wife, who is a nurse.

Additional Information

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Vernon (Cecil Blutcher)

Vernon (Cecil Blutcher) in conversation with Osito
Vernon (Cecil Blutcher)

Vernon is Osito’s new cellmate, from Opa-Locka, Florida who used to have a problem with lean and oxy, among other drugs, and was in and out of lockup since he was 16.

Additional Information

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Rafael (Carlos Gomez)

Rafael (Carlos Gomez) talking to his daughter and Ed
Rafael (Carlos Gomez)

Rafael is a fisherman and Jackie’s father.

Additional Information

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Callie (Barbara Weetman)

Callie (Barbara Weetman) receiving her grandson at her door
Callie (Barbara Weetman)

Callie is Renee’s mother.

Additional Information

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Ron (Hunter Emery)

Ron is a member of the fishery service who is like an annoying, and perverted, brother to Jackie and dumba** son to Ed.

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Ruth (Elizabeth June)

Ruth (Elizabeth June) answering her door
Ruth (Elizabeth June)

Ruth is Charmaine’s aunt who provides her with cover.

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Aileen (Nyeema Carter)

Aileen (Nyeema Carter) asking Charmaine if she wants to play FIFA
Aileen (Nyeema Carter)

Aileen is Charmaine’s 13-year-old little sister who spends most of her day playing video games and isn’t fully aware of her sister’s business.

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Janelle (Crystal Lee Brown)

Janelle (Crystal Lee Brown) talking to Osito
Janelle (Crystal Lee Brown)

Janelle is a physical therapist at the prison Osito is in.

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Felix (Andres Munar)

Felix is a member of the DEA.

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Vince (Phil McGlaston)

Vince is one of the members of the AA group Jackie sometimes goes to.

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Chuleta (Dominic Santana)

Chuleta (Dominic Santana) talking to Frankie
Chuleta (Dominic Santana)

Chuleta is Frankie’s muscle.

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Ralphie (David Iacono)

Ralphie (David Iacono) asking Charmaine out
Ralphie (David Iacono)

Ralphie is Charmaine’s New York contact with who she practically grew up with, due to her and Ralphie’s uncle knowing each other for 20 years.

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Lieutenant Smith (James Biberi)

Lietenant Smith (James Biberi) talking to Ray
Lietenant Smith (James Biberi)

Lieutenant Smith oversees the narcotics division.

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