Love Death + Robots: Volume III – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

The Siren standing in the water

“Love Death + Robots” Volume III may not have the same story diversity as past volumes, but it is still a fun time for those who love animation.

“Love Death + Robots” Volume III may not have the same story diversity as past volumes, but it is still a fun time for those who love animation.

Network Netflix
Genre(s) Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Animation, War

This content contains pertinent spoilers.


The third volume of “Love, Death + Robots” is heavy on violence. Often, we’re watching people with guns, especially a part of the military, firing at will to stay alive, and when it isn’t that level of seriousness, it is the use of robots to get rid of a vermin problem. As for something lighter? We do watch the final hours of an astronaut exploring one of Jupiter’s moons or two humans make love as one of them plans to enslave an alien race.

Altogether, if you are someone who leans more towards wanting death and robots, Volume III delivers what you desire.



The Graphics/ Beauty

There is no denying that the animators behind this “Love, Death + Robots” volume brought something different. “Bad Traveling” had its water effects. For “The Very Pulse of the Machine,” it was the dreamy nature of it all as its lead hallucinated. Then with “In Vaulted Halls Entombed,” we got what looked like a 15-minute video game cutscene. Not to forget, in “Jibaro,” the siren had all these little tiny details that each seemed independent of each other, which boggles the mind as someone without animation experience.

It’s like watching the original Star Wars before the internet answered every question, and you were inundated with interviews that explained how things were done.

On The Fence

The Lack Of Story Diversity

With the exception of “Three Robots” and “The Very Pulse of the Machine,” nearly every entry in this volume was shoot em’ ups. Multiple entries had people in the military with blood, guts, and gore, and it made it so we got death and robots, but love was rather absent. Yes, in “Swarm,” we got some love scenes, and you could submit that “Jibaro” had some twisted form of love there.

Sgt. Morris (Joel McHale) and his Men ready for battle
Sgt. Morris (Joel McHale) and his Men

However, it wasn’t something like what we see in “Spy x Family Episode 8,” where the love isn’t cut off because something violent happens, or even death. Nearly every storyline ended with a massive number of bodies or the promise of that. Which made me question, between curation or having these studios paid to produce the entries, who decided that what fans need more than ever is one blood bath after another?


Our Rating: Mixed (Stick Around)

The main issue with Love Death + Robots: Volume III is that it feels like more of the same as you go from entry to entry. Unlike Volume II and Volume I, there isn’t a mix of violent, comical, and even love stories that could make you swoon a bit. Be it like “Ice” which focused on brotherly love, or even “The Witness,” which pushed multiple viewings because of the visual and the story.

Hence the mixed label. While the quality expected visually is upheld, in regards to the stories given, and each story feeling distinct, that is utterly lacking in Volume III.

Target Audience

  1. Animation lovers

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The Siren standing in the water
Love Death + Robots: Volume III – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)
Volume III of "Love Death + Robots" is stunning visually, but with too many similar themes and stories, most of the entries blend into one another. To the point of not just building up a tolerance to the violence but feeling the curation of Volume III led to cannibalization.
The Graphics/ Beauty
The Lack Of Story Diversity
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The Graphics/ Beauty
The Lack Of Story Diversity

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