Fear Street (Part 3) – 1666 – Review/Summary (with Spoilers)

Movie Poster for Fear Street Part Three 1666 featuring Olivia Scott Welch

Fear Street: Part 3 (1666) is the perfect ending to the horror trilogy and will make you hope more trilogies resolve as quickly as this one did.

Fear Street: Part 3 (1666) is the perfect ending to the horror trilogy and will make you hope more trilogies resolve as quickly as this one did.

Director(s) Leigh Janiak
Screenplay By Leigh Janiak, Kate Trefry, Phil Graziadei
Date Released 7/16/2021
Where Can You Watch? Netflix
Genre(s) Action, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Young Adult, LGBT
Duration 1 Hour 53 Minutes
MPAA Rating R
Noted Cast
Sarah/ Deena Kiana Madeira
Sarah (Real) Elizabeth Scopel
Hannah/ Sam Olivia Scott Welch
Martin Darrell Britt-Gibson
Constance/ Young Ziggy Sadie Sink
Lizzie/ Kate Julia Rehwald
Isaac/ Simon Fred Hechinger
Abigail/ Cindy Emily Rudd
Adult Ziggy Gillian Jacobs
Henry/ Josh Benjamin Flores Jr.
George Fier Randy Havens

Film Summary

For the first hour of the film, we learn the truth about what happened to Sarah, with perhaps some of Deena’s own life inserted into Sarah’s situation or us learning history repeats itself. Either way, once Deena learns all she needs to know in the past, she enacts plans to make sure she can permanently change the future for her relationship with Sam and those of Shadyside.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

Reason(s) for Film Rating

  1. Vomiting, blood, gore, demonic imagery, and violence against animals

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Was the guy who played George Fier who we should consider is Sarah and Josh’s father, or should we keep the two completely unrelated?
  2. More coming on July 16th



Kiana Madeira’s Return As Lead

The lack of Kiana Madeira in Fear Street: Part 2 – 1978 was unfortunate. For while Sadie Sink and the others held it down, I’d submit Madeira set a precedent they were unable to match. However, with her return as the prominent role in Fear Street: Part 3 – 1666, it doesn’t just remind you of the strength of Deena as a character, but Madeira as an actress.

As shown in Trinkets, she can just as much give you teen smartass as she can go beyond the surface and explore deeper emotions. In this film, that is displayed by allowing her to bring a diverse performance. Be it Sarah’s love for Hannah, which mirrors Deena’s for Sam, Madeira tapping into the pain and exhaustion which comes with fighting for your life, or what every actor should have as a talent, knowing how to share a scene.

That, to us, is what was missing in the second film. Many of the actors worked well with one or two of their scene partners. But because of how thin some characters were written, many could barely hold our attention.

However, with a proper lead in Madeira, who stands out enough to be noticed but makes it seem it is more about the character and their relationships than the actor eclipsing their scene partner, it makes you get invested. Be it you hating someone because of what they did to her, loving them for helping, or, in the case of Martin, the janitor from the first movie, you forgiving his sudden inclusion and the lack of development for his character. Particularly due to Madeira, similar to Viola Davis, among others, knows they’ll shine regardless but is willing to use that light to put the focus on someone you possibly wouldn’t take note of.

Smart To Use The 1994 Characters, and 1978, For 1666

Another reason the finale of this trilogy kicks ass is that, rather than introduce new characters for the finale, it just uses the faces we’re familiar with. This allowed us to see Julia Rehwald again, Fred Hechinger, as well as Sadie Sink, and Emily Rudd. Faces we spent 2 hours focused on, as they dealt with the serial killers who came back to life and, in some cases, they died to protect someone. Which was bittersweet, in a way, but also gave them all a proper nod regarding their character’s significance in the trilogy.

On The Fence

The Twist Is Okay

I’m not going to pretend when the source of Sarah’s curse is revealed, it’s a huge, gasping shock. But, again, between Madeira, the supporting cast, and what Janiak and their team did, they elevated something which could have felt average, to the point of bland, and made it entertaining.

The Ending Wasn’t Terrible But Did Leave A Cliffhanger And Certain Things Unanswered

Let’s be real and set aside stanning Kiana Madeira for a second. As shown in the second film, and what becomes really apparent in this one, the Fear Street trilogy uses its supporting cast as an end to a means. Their sole purpose is either to be serial killers, fodder for said serial killers or to support the lead. Beyond that? The majority don’t have much of an individual impact. This is especially true with this film, for it isn’t like, with Kate and Simon gone, Josh really steps up, or Martin suddenly becomes an essential part of the trilogy. No. They have their place, but at times so many feel replaceable.

Which, regarding the ending and its cliffhanger? It really makes it so you can see if more movies are produced, it is because of the money or subscribers Netflix could make, and not because the story needs to be told. For with it being clear they only wanted to develop certain characters, explore questions regarding Sarah, and not really dive into who this person is, local culture, beyond the murders, and what have you? As much as you can imagine them expanding this through prequels, that could be hit or miss, in terms of sequels? I’d say they’d be better off leaving this where it is at.

Though I by no means am against being wrong.


Our Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)

Thanks to the return of Madeira as the lead, Fear Street: Part 3 – 1666­ ends triumphantly and pushes you to think, as Netflix finds itself with increased competition, maybe its new gimmick can be trilogies that complete in a matter of weeks, rather than years.

Movie Poster for Fear Street Part Three 1666 featuring Olivia Scott Welch
Fear Street (Part 3) – 1666 – Review/Summary (with Spoilers)
Who Is This For?
Horror fans who love easy-to-digest stories and are okay with most characters having personality, but not necessarily a full life beyond what they're dealing with.
Kiana Madeira's Return As Lead
Smart To Use The 1994 Characters, and 1978, For 1666
The Twist Is Okay
The Ending Wasn't Terrible But Did Leave A Cliffhanger And Certain Things Unanswered

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