Collected Quotes for the Month: August 2017

Best Of Forgiveness is a conversation, not a decision. — “This morning’s therapy session was about Forgiveness” [So Let’s Talk About] […] when you find something good in this world, you’d best hold on. With love, not desperation. — Queen Sugar: Season 2/ Episode 8 “Freedom’s Plow” [Mid-Season Finale] One of the most important things…

Best Of

Forgiveness is a conversation, not a decision.
“This morning’s therapy session was about Forgiveness” [So Let’s Talk About]

[…] when you find something good in this world, you’d best hold on. With love, not desperation.
Queen Sugar: Season 2/ Episode 8 “Freedom’s Plow” [Mid-Season Finale]

One of the most important things a woman can control is her own story.
Queen Sugar: Season 2/ Episode 8 “Freedom’s Plow” [Mid-Season Finale]

A strong woman doesn’t get there just because she woke up one day and she was strong. You know, a strong woman is almost earned. […] You go through a series of events in your life that make you stronger each time and if you can keep getting up and dusting yourself off, it’s very rewarding.
“Episode 10: Kris Jenner” Never Before with Janet Mock

My motto in life has always been: If somebody says “No,” you’re talking to the wrong person.
“Episode 10: Kris Jenner” Never Before with Janet Mock

I think I’m just a big personality and I think that gets misread. I mean, even coming up in college, it’s like ‘You’re just like —You’re too much! You’re too much!’ You know what I mean? […] So it’s like growing into your looks. I kind of had to grow into my personality.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

Sometimes you do have to hit people with an extreme example for them to even see a modicum of what you are trying to say.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

No, you’re not a diva, you’re not difficult, you’re just difficult to fuck over. […] You’re not difficult, you’re just particular. You’re not demanding, […] you just hold people accountable. […] You get these things misconstrued and people will manipulate you to feel like these things that are actually positive are negative.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

If you’re not living in your truth, you’re not going to be able to be where you’re supposed to be, and I consider your truth to be your compass to your purpose. And if you’re not living in that truth, then you are being steered by other worldly things that don’t necessarily have your best interest at heart.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

People think I don’t know when I’m being picked on, but I do. I just don’t always know why, which, in some ways, is worse.
“A Human Female.” Atypical

If I were to come across the same situation again, I’m sure I would do the same thing over and over again. But no matter what I do, I can’t deny the feeling that I could have done it better.
— “Mayoi Hell.” Owarimonogatari

Sometimes saying goodbye means you’re making room for something better.
— Insecure: Season 2/ Episode 6 “Hella Blows”

[…] when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies.

— “The Dragon and the Wolf.” Game of Thrones

Just as quickly as someone enters, they can leave. People make mistakes. They disappoint. And you’re left with yourself. Being alone is unbearable when you’ve enjoyed a reprieve with togetherness. I believed in the power of companionship. What I did not know then was that no one can heal you. You must learn to be your own company, your own cure. You cannot retreat into someone else for fulfillment.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 6.″ Surpassing Certainty


We got to where we are with the help of God, but we got here slowly, more slowly than some wanted. But that’s how long it took, and I expect justice in this realm will take longer to achieve than most want to. But I’m prepared to practice patience.
— “House Rules.” Greenleaf

The Rest

[…] you had something I didn’t have—stability. You know, I am very grateful for all my experiences, but I feel I’m ready to stay still for a minute. To build a home.
— “ Before Tequila Sunrise.“ The Bold Type

Why do we always have to be the ones who have to circle back once it’s too late? Just this once, can we get it right the first time?
— “House Rules.” Greenleaf

Patience doesn’t mean standing still while waiting for something to change. Patience is lovingly guiding people who don’t understand into a greater understanding.
— “House Rules.” Greenleaf


I’m a slow learner, it’s true. But I learn.

— “The Dragon and the Wolf.” Game of Thrones

I don’t want to change you, but I don’t want to change either.
— The Bold Type: Season 1/ Episode 7 “Three Girls In a Tub”

If you black up, they gon’ back up.
— “Pilot.” Marlon

Most people are eager to correct mistakes more than doing the right thing.
— “Mayoi Hell.” Owarimonogatari

[…] she doesn’t know everything, but knows only what she knows, and exposed truths she didn’t need to, and because she forgot truths that she didn’t have to forget, we went through reckless shortcuts and impossible detours this whole time.
— “Mayoi Hell.” Owarimonogatari

Talking is not trying.
The Glass Castle

I’m always mean to people I like. I think it’s ‘cause I expect so much.
“Antartica.” Atypical

If you’re not living in your truth, you’re not going to be able to be where you’re supposed to be, and I consider your truth to be your compass to your purpose. And if you’re not living in that truth, then you are being steered by other worldly things that don’t necessarily have your best interest at heart.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

They think I don’t have a filter and it is like, it’s not that I don’t have a filter. It’s just, I’m not filtering because of the same reason you filter.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

I told them ‘We’re about setting precedences.’ I don’t want to hear ‘Oh, this didn’t work for somebody else.’ If anything, we should look at why it didn’t work for that other person and use that to make it work for us.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

I feel like it’s really a blessing, especially in this day and age where you never know what camera is on you, you never know where they’re going to catch you, it’s a real blessing to get notoriety being your best self. […] Living in your truth.
Amanda Seales (The Breakfast Club – 8/9/2017)

The juice is going to be worth the squeeze
Keith David (as per Merle Dandridge)

The truth doesn’t set you free. It just brands you a liar.
Daytime Divas: Season 1/ Episode 10 “Lunch Is On Us”

I think many of our young people have been taught: Go to school, graduate, get yourself a good job, don’t make too much noise on the job, fit in so you can earn a decent salary, or you can get a raise. […] Life is about a lot more than that. Life is not only about aspiring to opportunity but not allowing people to dismiss you, to undermine you, to intimidate you. […] You have to find a way to not only speak up for yourself but organize with others so that we can challenge injustice.
Maxine Waters (The Breakfast Club – 8/7/2017)

 I know you know how it is. The Lord moves when He moves. We just do our best to follow at speed.
— “Changing Seasons.” Greenleaf

If we avoided every place where enmity and strife once confounded us, we’d all be stranded where we stand.
— “Changing Seasons.” Greenleaf

Pretending felt safest. I believed it was the only way I could make it. So I stripped myself of backstory and connection and flattened myself, distilled myself, made myself smaller and easier to contain and digest. I pretended that color, class, gender, and all the intersections of my identity and experience that othered me did not exist. And the funny thing was that my classmates, roommates, and neighbors were pleased to pretend, too. It made it easier on all of us to believe a post-racial, post-feminist, post-oppression fantasy, especially in a well-intentioned liberal New York City.
— “Part 2/ Chapter 9.” Surpassing Certainty

Bearing witness, rather than seeking answers, filled me.
— “Part 2/ Chapter 9.” Surpassing Certainty

I was built to rely on myself and didn’t know how to ask for help or recognize that I could ask for help.
— “Part 2/ Chapter 9.” Surpassing Certainty

I yearned to be accepted on merit, on my work. I didn’t want to be a charity case, someone who was let in because she had a compelling story. I didn’t want to be someone who was brought in at the service of diversity alone, seen merely as a token.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 8.″ Surpassing Certainty

I suffered from imposter’s syndrome, not truly believing I was as smart as my grades, not as shiny as the awards I was given.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 8.″ Surpassing Certainty

I was my best in words—clear and secure in what I felt, what I believed, who I was.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 7.″ Surpassing Certainty

I wanted to be heard, but I also wanted someone, anyone, to hurt as much as I was hurting. I aimed to control him because I did not have control over anything else.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 7.″ Surpassing Certainty

We have continuity in our bodies, which hold experiences that never leave us, experiences our bodies conceal so we can keep going. They hold tightly to them—until we have confidence to trust our bodies again, to loosen their grasp.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 7.″ Surpassing Certainty

I missed being with people whom I shared continuity. But I think we all crave those spaces, the ones where shared history acts as a thread holding us accountable to our former selves and to one another.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 6.″ Surpassing Certainty

The prelude to sex was always more fun than actual penetration.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 6.″ Surpassing Certainty

I wished I could reach for next-level spiritual goals, like being ‘able to be alone, to find it nourishing—not just a waiting.
— “Part 1/ Chapter 6.″ Surpassing Certainty

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