Surpassing Certainty: What My Twenties Taught Me (Chapter by Chapter)


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Part 2/ Chapters 15 [End of Book] – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

It’s the end! Not just of the book but also for Troy and Janet’s relationship for Aaron has become a consistent force in her life so Troy really has no place in it. Despite his attempts to win her back.


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Part 1/ Chapters 6 to 8 – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

It seems to be the beginning of the end for Troy and Janet. Especially as she comes to terms with the idea that he isn’t a final destination but a retreat. One which allows her to recover from the various pains life has thrown at her. Yet, not a place she can see herself permanently…


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Part 1/ Chapters 3 to 5 – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

Throughout chapters 3 to 5 of Surpassing Certainty, we finally get to see Janet experience a healthy relationship. Not one rooted in sex, being used, or anything like that, but the type of love which seemingly alluded her and seemed to be all but a Hollywood fabrication.


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Introduction to Chapter 2 – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

In Janet Mock’s first book, Redefining Realness, there is a bit of a time jump from chapter 17, when she gets her reassignment surgery, to 2009. In that time period, we miss out on so much. Primarily the years of which Janet’s physical body matched who she mentally and emotionally is. The second round of…