Collected Quotes For The Month: November 2017
In this post, you will find a collection of quotes and .gifs which were all collected during the month of November 2017.
In this post, you will find a collection of quotes and .gifs which were all collected during the month of November 2017.
Queen Sugar remains one of the top shows if you want a diverse depiction of Black folk. However, one could argue they took advantage of that monopoly in the 2nd half of the season.
In this post, you will find a collection of quotes from the OWN program Queen Sugar. I hope you enjoy the quotes that were collected.
Do not expect resolutions to any of your pressing questions in the season 2 finale of Queen Sugar. Hold onto them until season 3, unfortunately.
Nearly everything goes to hell. The Mill is in trouble, due to slander, the Blue paternity situation rocks everyone and, even Micah is in trouble.
As Darla and Aunt Vi deal with the revealing of their secrets, Nova and Charley find themselves having to really think about the next step of their careers.
Darla’s parents come about and like when Lorna came to Louisiana, we are led to believe everything we were told is not true.
As one door closes, and another gets locked, it makes the few happy relationships that remain a welcome focus.
Everything you knew about Lorna and Ernest’s relationship seemingly is completely wrong and that seems to change everything for Nova. Alongside that, Remy playing a paternal figure changes things for Ralph Angel and Darla.
Love is in the air for Nova and Micah but sadly, as sweet as things are going for them, the opposite is true for Ralph Angel and Darla.
Based off what was seen, and the little synopsis on Wikipedia, it seems the focus for 2B is going to primarily be family. For this episode, it is Charley’s mother Lorna joining the series and us being prepped for Darla’s parents.
Best Of Forgiveness is a conversation, not a decision. — “This morning’s therapy session was about Forgiveness” [So Let’s Talk About] […] when you find something good in this world, you’d best hold on. With love, not desperation. — Queen Sugar: Season 2/ Episode 8 “Freedom’s Plow” [Mid-Season Finale] One of the most important things…
The midseason finale deals with all the fallout for what has happened since the season began. Be it where Remy and Charley stand, with what happened to Micah, alongside Ralph Angel’s big reveal and how he handled it.
Best Of Feeling like you are the subject and not the object is such a crazy shift in autonomy. — Kathryn Hahn – THR Full Comedy Actress Roundtable Hopefully, the goal in being yourself is that it puts you on the right path. — Sam Jones (The Off Camera Show) Lives are saved by tough…
With the rich characters we have been given on Queen Sugar, naturally, there is this desire to know of their past. To maybe get an episode featuring them as kids, teens, young adults. Get to see their interactions with their parents at those ages, and perhaps even Aunt Vi. However, that may not…
If I may sort of rant, I really don’t understand how and why this show doesn’t get major accolade notoriety. For while, I get, as a Black person, we should uphold the NAACP awards, maybe BET awards, and all that, it isn’t like all of your peers recognizing you, you know? Plus, with this argument…
Investing in something bigger than yourself is the main focus in episode 5 “Caroling Dusk.” Be it investing in your kids and making sure they know you, know that you will consistently be there, or investing in someone else. Trying to make it so, in the long run, you can say you did more than…
What is the dream? Who or what inspired it? How can you obtain it? In “My Soul’s High Song” the focus is on what makes a person feel happy or whole. Especially in times when you aren’t necessarily thriving but surviving. Sometimes due to compromise.
Best Of One’s happiness is one’s own to define and decide.Looking down on someone’s decision or making it for them is nothing but heavy-handed. “Chtholly.” SukaSuka Remaining silent when one must speak is the slow death of freedom. “What Do I Care For Morning.” Queen Sugar My mother always said when someone invites you to…
“What Do I Care For Morning” is an episode of growth and recognizing the needs of another person. Be it Charley recognizing the needs of Davis or Ralph Angel to be a role model in their son’s lives. Perhaps recognizing the greatness and intellect in another person as Nova does. If not something as simple…
Grieving isn’t something just for the dead. A loss of innocence, relationships, these are worth mourning over. But from the dead, the richness of once was life, blooms something new. Something we see quite a bit of in “To Usward.”
One of the hardly arguable highlights of Black media returns. And, as always, you find yourself smiling because of the family dynamics, crying tears over certain struggles they have, and end up triggered as well. To say the least, Queen Sugar remains an emotional roller coaster ride that as soon as it is over, you…
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.