Surpassing Certainty (Chapter by Chapter)


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Part 2/ Chapters 15 [End of Book] – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

It’s the end! Not just of the book but also for Troy and Janet’s relationship for Aaron has become a consistent force in her life so Troy really has no place in it. Despite his attempts to win her back.


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Part 1/ Chapters 6 to 8 – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

It seems to be the beginning of the end for Troy and Janet. Especially as she comes to terms with the idea that he isn’t a final destination but a retreat. One which allows her to recover from the various pains life has thrown at her. Yet, not a place she can see herself permanently…


Surpassing Certainty (What My Twenties Taught Me): Part 1/ Chapters 3 to 5 – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

Throughout chapters 3 to 5 of Surpassing Certainty, we finally get to see Janet experience a healthy relationship. Not one rooted in sex, being used, or anything like that, but the type of love which seemingly alluded her and seemed to be all but a Hollywood fabrication.