The Sintern (2024)

Title Card, The Sintern

A young woman investigates a church whose pastor may have killed her mom.

General Information

Film Length 1 Hour 41 Minutes
Date Released (Tubi) June 13, 2024
Distributor Tubi
Director(s) Julie Herlocker
Writer(s) Jeff Dickamore, Aurora Florence
Based On Work By N/A
Genre(s) Crime, Drama
Content Rating Rated TV-MA

Plot Summary

Due to her mom’s issues with addiction and her finances, Verity ended up in foster care, and unfortunately, she was never adopted, so she aged out. Luckily, one of her foster sisters, Ruby, has her back, but with a boyfriend like Sam, there is only so much Ruby can do, and for Ruby, Sam has created more problems than he has solved.

Enter Verity’s mother, Monica, randomly calling her, sounding manic, and like she is in danger, and this leads Verity to investigate Hope of the Beloved, which Pastor Dean Humphries is now running. Verity plans to investigate him while Sam pushes for her to solve their mutual financial problem, which could get them killed.

Cast and Character Guide

Character’s Name Actor’s Name
Verity Evelyn Giovine
Ruby Raquel Davies
Sam Greg Finley
Monica J Roppolo Jacobs
Pastor Dean Humphries Damon Dayoub
Gage Samuel Larsen
Louanne Judy Kain


Raised in the foster care system, Verity has learned to be crafty and a bit rough around the edges. Sadly, this has led to her doing quite a few crimes to survive and getting involved with the wrong crowd. However, being as scrappy as she is, she has avoided anything that would lock her into the life she lives.


Ruby is Verity’s foster sister and best friend, and she tries her best to be some kind of safety net for Verity.


Sam is Verity’s soon-to-be ex-boyfriend who has gotten her into trouble with loan sharks.


Monica is Verity’s mom, who has a sordid past with Dean Humphries.

Pastor Dean Humphries

Pastor Dean Humphries (Damon Dayoub) in front of his congregation
Pastor Dean Humphries (Damon Dayoub) in front of his congregation, The Sintern, directed by Julie Herlocker, 2024, (Tubi)

Pastor Dean Humphries leads Hope of the Beloved, and while he has a certain level of fame, he also hides a notable amount of secrets.


Gage is the worship leader of Hope of the Beloved who, like many of the church’s staff, has a past he’d rather not divulge much of.


Louanne is the church manager, and she rubs some people the wrong way because she comes off as a bit gruff.

Content Information

  • Dialog: Cursing
  • Violence: Gun Violence
  • Sexual Content: Depiction of Abuse
  • Miscellaneous: Depiction of Corpses, Drinking, Vomiting


Our Rating: Mixed (Divisive)

Good If You Like

  • Corrupt religious officials

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Gage’s Music

Regarding religious music, some of our favorites range from Lauren Daigle to Provenance Music Group and Flyleaf, who are categorized as Christian Rock. So when it comes to the snippets of Gage’s music, I feel if you are into religious music that isn’t hymns, you’ll appreciate what “The Sintern” offers. I’d even go so far as to say you may end up looking for the songs online.

Verity’s Quest For Vengence

Verity (Evelyn Giovine) coming up with a plan to infiltrate the church
Verity (Evelyn Giovine) coming up with a plan to infiltrate the church, The Sintern, directed by Julie Herlocker, 2024, (Tubi)

From remaking herself to be an intern, doing an investigation that pushed the idea every church member had a past, to even wanting to question whether the entire church was involved in what happened to Monica, Verity’s quest did drive interest. Now, will I say this mystery deserves a pedestal, is the best I’ve ever seen, even when compared to other Tubi movies? No.

However, it won’t leave you bored or wanting this to become background noise.

On The Fence

Everything Sam Warned About

Sam keeps pushing the idea that someone he owes money to will hurt him and Verity and Ruby, and you’d think that with how Verity ducks and dodges Sam’s requests and threats, this person would pop up. After all, they are a loan shark. Yet, the film is so focused on Verity’s quest to find out what happened to her mother and who did it that the looming threat Sam presents as something to worry about never becomes realized.

Ending Spoilers

How Does It End?

After nearly being assaulted like her mom and more than a dozen other women, Verity is lucky enough to not only have filmed the attack but has gained a notable ally in Louanne, who had been working at the church for years. With her help, Pastor Dean’s bodyguard is arrested, and then with Verity confronting Pastor Dean during a live telecast, Sam coming about with a gun, and Dean trying to kill Verity and Louanne, he is finally taken down.

This leaves Verity having justice while she faces the unfortunate truth her father is a rapist who tried to assault her.

Is There Sequel Or Prequel Potential?

More so, a prequel as Monique’s story of a drug-addicted woman being taken advantage of by a pastor seems right up Tubi’s alley.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Where are the loan sharks Sam were so worried about?

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The Sintern (2024) - Review Summary


“The Sintern” may have a far more interesting title than what is delivered, but the music and murder mystery within makes it worth seeing for Tubi fans.

  • Highlights Gage’s Music - 83%
  • Verity’s Quest For Vengence - 81%
  • Everything Sam Warned About - 73%
User Review
0/100 (0 votes)


  • Verity’s Quest For Vengence
  • Gage’s Music


  • Everything Sam Warned About

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