Sing Sing (2024)

Movie Poster for Sing Sing

Colman Domingo uses his talents to give us a prison story about how the RTA (Rehabilitation Through The Arts) changed the lives of some incarcerated people.

Plot Summary

It’s 2005, and with another production under their belt, the RTA (Rehabilitation Through the Arts) members at Sing Sing are making plans for their next production and new members. The de facto leader, Divine G, has a few plays he has been working on, but the newest member, Clarence, proposes a comedy. It’s one that is very absurd as it has cowboys, Egyptians, time travel, and more. But, between Divine G, Clarence, Mike-Mike, and others, they make the production work and their lives within Sing Sing prison.

Noted Cast and Characters Of “Sing Sing”

Character’s NameActor’s Name
Divine GColman Domingo
ClarenceClarence Maclin
Mike-MikeSean San Jose

Divine G

Colman Domingo as Divine G
Colman Domingo as Divine G

For Sing Sing prison, Divine G is one of the founding members of the RTA program and takes it seriously. His vote can lead to people getting in or not, his voice is a factor in the choosing and progress of any production by the RTA, and as an actor, his dramatic work is top-notch.

However, like everyone else, he is in prison for a crime and doesn’t see his family much, if at all. And while he may always seem energetic, hopeful, and positive, the system can bring him down just like anyone else.


The newest member of the RTA program, Clarence, may qualify because he has kept his nose clean for a year, but it appears he simply hasn’t gotten caught yet. But, despite being rough around the edges, Divine G and the rest get Clarence to open up, realize he is safe, and give him the support necessary to survive prison and feel like he is more than his past or an inmate number.


Mike-Mike is Divine G’s best friend, and, while they don’t share a parent, that is his brother.

Content Information

  • Dialog: Cursing
  • Violence: N/A
  • Sexual Content: N/A
  • Miscellaneous: N/A


Our Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)

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  1. O.G.: O.G. is a mixture of Oscar bait editing with the realness that comes from having its actor surrounding by real people doing time.

Who Is This For?

  • Those who like feel good stories featuring people in unfortunate positions

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The Brotherhood

Prison can be an isolating experience. You have already been deemed as someone unfit for society at large, but then you are put with other people who society has cast out, even if temporarily and often, it is pushed and portrayed that community is about survival. Yet, “Sing Sing” tries to push something different. Based on a real story, it presents the network and brotherhood made through men participating in the arts.

Within two relationships, both including Divine G, we see what RTA as a program does. Divine G and Mike-Mike are cell neighbors and best friends. For all his bravado as a performer and talents as an unofficial director, Divine G can’t advocate for his own writing. But Mike-Mike will step up and pitch his work. He’ll help him practice for parole or clemency hearings and co-signs his ideas or at least tries to work in his ideas during RTA discussions.

But, beyond that, we also see Clarence and Divine G. Clarence comes off like someone who never had a mentor who didn’t lead him down a wrong path, that any friend he had was strictly a business partner or out of necessity. So, for Divine G to give Clarence what he got from Mike-Mike? To be someone who was not only willing to model what to do on stage but would talk to him in a way that he could receive? It reminds you of the beauty that is male friendships. Especially in the context of what “Sing Sing” wants you to see in how the RTA program not only gave these men friends and something to do but allowed them to rediscover their humanity and get to be vulnerable.

The Healing

There are many survival mechanisms required to get through in prison, from coming off as dangerous, violent, or someone that shouldn’t be messed with. All of this requires numbing yourself and becoming hard. Add in “Sing Sing,” takes place in a maximum security prison, and it means these men, with years, if not a life sentence, have nothing to lose. Why should I care that you have a wife and kids when the chances of me getting out, innocent or not, are slim, even if I’m always researching my case and find discrepancies?

As shown by Clarence and Divine G, rehabilitation in prison could simply mean breaking you. If your spirit is broken, you are easy to command. If your spirit is broken, you may end your life and keep the State from having to do the work for you to not end up right back inside. But, with the RTA program, you can still feel connected with your humanity even if you don’t have visitors, like your kids, parents, or some other family.

In a post-screening Q&A, one of the actors, who was in prison, noted how just being given permission to tap into his emotions, even as a character, transformed him. Men in the audience would come up to him wishing they were warned because they snipped the elastic holding up their masks and were reminded of who they were when survival wasn’t their only focus.

It’s all very beautiful to watch and more funny than I’m letting on, as you see, not only do the men learn to trust one another, but they also let their inner child out to play.

On The Fence

You Get Archive Footage Of The Play But Don’t See The Play Itself

Am I the only one who hates it when a show or movie builds up to something, and you don’t get to see it? This outrageous play is built up for most of the film, and there is drama between multiple parties, yet just as it begins, we skip around. Then, the next thing you know, people bow.

Now, on the positive side, we get to see bits and pieces from the actual production done in real life. But again, it isn’t the whole thing. It’s more of a proof that “This really is based on a true story” than you getting to see what happened.

General Information

Film Length1 Hour 45 Minutes
Date ReleasedJune 28, 2024
Official Release DateAugust 2, 2024
How To WatchFilm FestivalMontclair Film’s Summer Showcase
Director(s)Greg Kwedar
Writer(s)Clint Bentley, Greg Kwedar
Based On Work ByJohn H. Richardson, Brent Buell, Clint Bentley, Greg Kwedar, Clarence Maclin, John Divine G Whitfield
Genre(s)Comedy Drama Biopic
Content RatingRated R

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Sing Sing (2024) - Review $15.00
Movie Poster for Sing Sing

Movie title: Sing Sing (2024)

Movie description: Colman Domingo uses his talents to give us a prison story about how the RTA (Rehabilitation Through The Arts) changed the lives of some incarcerated people.

Date Released: June 28, 2024

Country: United States

Duration: 1 Hour 45 Minutes

Author: Amari Allah

Director(s): Greg Kwedar

Actor(s): Colman Domingo, Clarence Maclin, Sean San Jose

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Biopic

Official Site


“Sing Sing” delivers what is expected, and between what it shows of the RTA program and the fact that many of the actors went through the program, makes this feel almost like a docudrama of the highest order.

  • The Brotherhood - 84%
  • The Healing - 83%
  • You Get Archive Footage Of The Play But Don’t See The Play Itself - 78%
User Review
0/100 (0 votes)


  • The Healing
  • The Brotherhood


  • You Get Archive Footage Of The Play But Don’t See The Play Itself

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