Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card - Billie Eilish The World's A Little Blurry

Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry acts as a reminder of not only the brilliance of Eilish, but of her age, frailty, and how a small team made a world-renowned artist.

Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry acts as a reminder of not only the brilliance of Eilish, but of her age, frailty, and how a small team made a world-renowned artist.

Director(s) R.J. Cutler
Screenplay By N/A
Date Released (Theatrical) 2/25/2021
Date Released (Apple TV+) 2/26/2021
Genre(s) Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Young Adult, Documentary, Family, Musical
Duration 2 Hours, 20 Minutes
Rating R
Noted Cast
Herself Billie Eilish
Himself Finneas
Herself Maggie

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text may contain affiliate links, which, if a purchase is made, we’ll earn money or products from the company.

Film Summary

When you’re career is started online, there is the constant fear of it ending the same way. That seems to be one of the running themes as we watch Billie and her brother Finneas make the album, When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, play Coachella, and see Billie win multiple Grammys. There is always the constant need for control, perfection, and when that is achievable, you can see Billie almost collapse under the pressure she is under.

Which, of course, her brother, mother, father, and team try to ease. However, with a reminder that Billie still has -teen, at the end of her age, you’re forced to realize she feels everything so intensely because life, in general, is still overwhelming. Such as her relationship with a guy name Q, deadlines, injuries, and the expectations which come from being famous. Such as always being ready with a smile, grateful, and never having a bad day no matter how you physically, mentally, or emotionally feel.

Thus giving fans and those curious perhaps one of the rawest documentaries to come out of an era that sees documentaries as promotional material more than opportunities to be far more vulnerable than most interviews pursue.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

  • Reason(s) for Film Rating: So much cursing and the occasional drawing of breasts, ass, and penises.
  • Jump Scares/ Laughs/ Tear-Jerking Moments: As Billie struggles with her relationship, and you get the meaning behind some of her songs, you might tear up.



Understanding The Importance Of Having Family As Part Of The Process

It’s clear throughout the documentary that while there are certain parts of being successful that Billie loves, a lot of it feels isolating, like too much pressure, and is just utterly draining. Which gives you an inside look as to why many young performers burn out when they are young and seem to veer towards drugs, alcohol, sex, and whatever way they can to escape the expectation of success.

For while traveling the world and performing seems glamorous, that is until you see how tight the schedule is. One that doesn’t afford you much sleep, has you bouncing from venue to interview, and limits physical access to your friends and a part of your family. All of who potentially continue living their lives as if you don’t exist.

Luckily for Eilish, her brother performs right beside her, and while her mom is involved, she isn’t her manager. So there isn’t any switching hats when it comes to Maggie. She is mom, and while she sometimes pushes Billie, as does Finneas, it seems less about the money and fame, as it is getting Billie to the fun part.

So imagine how it is for teens and kids without positive reinforcement and they’re supporting their family or are left with handlers from their label or studio they work with. In The World Is A Little Blurry, it really pushes you to realize the sacrifice a whole family may need to be willing to make for the success of one or a few.

Seeing Billie Work

With that said, to watch Billie while she is in the zone is something else. Be it working on lyrics or music with Finneas or seeing her vision for videos in her journal. While we’re fans of hers, I think what is presented will make it so, even if you aren’t in her targeted demo or enjoy Billie’s music, you will respect the work she and Finneas put in to get to where they are. Be it recording in Finneas’ room, on the road, in hotel rooms, and making it studio quality.

That is, alongside Billie, at her age, running videos and finding the team that can make some of her strange ideas work and present some of the most unique visuals in pop music.

It Doesn’t Feel Like Promotional Material

But with all that said, The World’s A Little Blurry‘s main highlight is that it doesn’t present Billie in a positive light at all times. When it comes to recording When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? multiple times you see Finneas struggle with getting Billie to meet deadlines. And while most of us are used to Billie’s cursing, hearing her talk bad about working with one director, being upset with her team, and dealing with mishaps for her performances, it shows you her dark side.

Mind you, her dark side, you can say, is synonymous with what makes her human, for who wouldn’t be frustrated when your name is all over the advertising, and something goes wrong? Never mind, you got an unresponsive boyfriend who is messing with your feelings, and you aren’t given time to process your feelings, or a show, before having your person shoved about and expected to smile and be personable?

Which is all to say, many may hint at the dark side of fame, but Billie exposes it, and rarely does the documentary make it seem like it is always worth it in the end. Rather, it pushes the idea there are moments that make it worth it, but you can easily sacrifice so much that you’ll question why do you even do this job anymore? For is the high of performing, the moments you’re told you saved someone’s life really worth sprained ankles, torn ligaments, and being poked, prodded, and criticized? All the while, not really getting to push back?

Is traveling the world worth relationships weakening, and you questioning them because lack of proximity means effort both sides are unwilling or able to give? What about just making the art? Can you deal with your label expecting things done at certain times, your family pushing you since they both love you and are partially invested since they are part of it? Taking all this in and adding in Billie having mental health issues and Tourettes, it helps you understand why she sometimes comes off as a Gen Z Wednesday Adams.

On The Fence

If You Don’t Know Who Someone Is, The Film Will Not Give You A Name, Their Relation To Billie – Nothing

This documentary highly relies on you either having an idea of who is who or catching on, on your own. Which for Billie’s family, that’s easy. That’s dad, mom, and brother. As for who are people from the label, cousins, or friends? Yeah, that’s more of a struggle since faces just appear, and you’re left to make assumptions. Which isn’t terrible but does push you to wonder who is “the team” beyond Finneas and Maggie?


Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)Recommended | Mixed (Divisive) | Negative (Acquired Taste)

What we appreciate about Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry is that it’s not about making Billie look good, selling records, or be part of her marketing push for awards. It’s more so a documentary to push the idea that this music that you appreciate, it came with massive sacrifices. The kind that aren’t made for the average person to handle and add in depression, Tourette’s, old injuries causing new pain, and new injuries that are crippling, a lot of the time, the money, the fans, the fame, it isn’t going to feel worth it.

Yet, if you love what you do, and you have not only the right team but family and friends, you’ll make it. There will be plenty of struggle, but as long as you have people willing to admit when they messed up, who hear you, and you can laugh with, you’ll make it. All it takes is effort, people who believe in you, and the ability to suck it up sometimes.

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Understanding The Importance Of Having Family As Part Of The Process - 83%
Seeing Billie Work - 84%
It Doesn't Feel Like Promotional Material - 91%
If You Don't Know Who Someone Is, The Film Will Not Give You A Name, Their Relation To Billie – Nothing - 75%


What we appreciate about Billie Eilish: The World's A Little Blurry is that it's not about making Billie look good, selling records, or be part of her marketing push for awards. It's more so a documentary to push the idea that this music that you appreciate, it came with massive sacrifices.

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