Car Therapy: Season 1/ Episode 2 “Uncoupling” – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card - Car Therapy

As we mourn the end of Insecure, Car Therapy: Uncoupling reminds you of the show’s origins.

As we mourn the end of Insecure, Car Therapy: Uncoupling reminds you of the show’s origins.

Director(s) Jennelle Williams
Screenplay By Jennelle Williams
Date Released 10/15/2021
Where Can You Watch? Film Festival (NewFest)
Genre(s) Comedy, Young Adult, LGBT
Duration 7 Minutes
Rating Not Rated

Film Summary

Nikki is a therapist who, to make ends meet, drives for Uber. In her latest ride, she gets a couple that has issues with infidelity.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

  • Reason(s) for Film Rating: Cursing

Review/ Commentary


I Haven’t Looked Up Someone So Quick In Ages

Unfortunately, a lot of shorts that we’re really into don’t show any signs of continuing. They are more proof of concept, something for the writer, director, and actors to have as part of their reel as they move on to the next thing. But, thankfully Car Therapy: Uncoupling is different. It has a GoFundMe (Linked Here) and an official website (Here).

As for why we looked it up? It’s because it gave us Awkward Black Girl vibes. The premiere scenario was comical, yet also rooted in a sense of realness that makes you feel seen, if not like you’ve seen people like the ones before you. Also, if you’ve ever been in a rideshare person’s car, or know someone who does that for money, you know that is the perfect setup for some quick therapy or a venting session. So can you imagine the stories that Williams could come up with? Never mind the execution Saunders will surely have as she deals with the varying eccentrics that enter her car?

This is just the beginning and you can either jump on now or wait to the vehicle gets bigger.


Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)Recommended

I’ll put it to you this way, I liked this enough to donate to the GoFuneMe. Which, considering I donated more than I paid to watch this, and everything else at NewFest 2021 should be more than enough to get you to watch this, donate, check out their website, and follow Car Therapy on Instagram.

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