Noor & Layla (2021) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card - Noor & Layla (2021)

A chance encounter leads to an unexpected relationship as faith creates an instant bond, but what’s to happen once the fun is over?

A chance encounter leads to an unexpected relationship as faith creates an instant bond, but what’s to happen once the fun is over?

Director(s) Fawzia Mirza
Screenplay By Fawzia Mirza
Date Released 10/15/2021
Where Can You Watch? Film Festival (NewFest)
Genre(s) Comedy, Romance, Young Adult, LGBT
Duration 13 Minutes
Rating Not Rated

Film Summary

What begins as a food delivery blossoms into something more. But whether Noor and Layla have found something long-term or short-term, once the lust and honeymoon phase ends? Well, that is what they’re trying to figure out.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

  • Reason(s) for Film Rating: Nudity

Cast & Character Guide

Noor (Nicole Nwokolo) and Layla (Sahar B. Agustin-Maleki) in the bathroom
Noor (Nicole Nwokolo) and Layla (Sahar B. Agustin-Maleki)

Please Note: This is not an exhaustive list of every cast member.

Noor (Nicole Nwokolo)

Committed to her faith, but not a square, Noor just wants stability and fun.

Layla (Sahar B. Agustin-Maleki)

Unlike Noor, while Layla has faith, she doesn’t always pray, and while she has a job delivering food, it is questionable if her finances match Noor’s.

Review/ Commentary


An Interesting Match

Let’s be clear, Noor isn’t ultra-conservative, with the exception of her queerness. Her commitment to faith mostly comes in the form of prayer and embracing the culture surrounding her faith. Also, Layla isn’t a slacker – per se. More so, what we get is an opposites attract in the form of Noor seemingly having her s*** together, but being a slight square, while Layla is playful and extroverted but probably cruising through life right now.

But, as a match, they are so cute. They have this wonderful young love appeal, and while it isn’t clear if things will end, it makes you hope the missing chapter, of why they might break up, isn’t truly enough to end what seems like a quality relationship. Even if both sides have issues they need to work out.


Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)

Noor & Layla reminds you of the beauty of chance encounters and the whirlwind that is romance and lust. How easy you can settle into someone new becoming part of your life and how abrupt you can decide to eject them just the same. But in 13 minutes, you’ll be invested in the relationship and wish you got to know each individually as much as you got to see the dynamics of their bond.

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