
In this sub-category, you’ll find TV series that are generally Japanese anime, but also animation from across the world.

Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 8 "Circular" – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A deadly face off happens in which only one is allowed to live to tell what happened. Review (with Spoilers) This episode is mostly about discovering the ignorance of the doves/ CCG when it comes to ghouls. For while they are hell bent on genocide, it seems doves haven’t really studied what created ghouls,…

Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 7 "Captivity" – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Ryoko’s death begins Toka’s call for war in which she enacts the first attack. Review (with Spoilers) With Ryoko’s murder by the hands of Mr. Mado comes the question of not only why there is a ghoul genocide against those like Ryoko, but also what happens to ghouls who retaliate? Though those questions…

Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 6 “Cloudburst” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Tsukiyama taken down, the doves and Jason return to prominence. Review (with Spoilers) The relationship between Hinami and Ryoko is the primary focus after Toka and Tsukiyama face off. Driving the idea that while ghouls can be fearsome and dangerous creatures, they at the same time are more than capable of creating families,…

Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 5 “Scar” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Though Kaneki appears free, Tsukiyama lurks in the shadows waiting on his delectable prey. Review (with Spoilers) Tsukiyama is such a great villain, but I do feel censorship ruins the episode for all the blood and gore gets blurred out. But, to compensate for the gory bits being censored, we do get quite a…