More Happiness (2021) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

One of the characters in More Happiness

More Happiness is a bit strange and doesn’t really venture to demystify itself.

More Happiness is a bit strange and doesn’t really venture to demystify itself.

Director(s) Livia Huang
Screenplay By Livia Huang
Date Released 10/15/2021
Where Can You Watch? Film Festival (NewFest)
Genre(s) Drama, Romance, Young Adult, LGBT, Non-English
Duration 12 minutes
Rating Not Rated

Film Summary

A young woman, with a possibly secret girlfriend, talks to her mother about romance and tries to get an understanding of what led her to be and what could become of her and her girlfriend.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

  • Reason(s) for Film Rating: This is a tame film with nothing to raise any red flags.

Review/ Commentary

On The Fence

While You Get The Idea, It’s Hard To Get Connected

The gist of More Happiness is understood and noted in the film summary. However, what makes More Happiness hard to get into is that it doesn’t really allow you some sense of connection. Names aren’t said, we just get relationships established. And of those relationships, there isn’t much in the way of intimacy. We get just the bare minimum and not in a bad way, but the bare minimum to say that you understand the baseline.


Rating: Mixed (Divisive)

More Happiness is by no means bad, it just doesn’t go that extra mile. It doesn’t give you something to crave, swoon over, think about, or just present something that entertains you. More Happiness just checks off the boxes and while I know making anything like this is a labor of love, it feels very much for those who created it, to say they can and did do it, than to necessarily garner an audience or fans.

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