Carino (2021) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card - Carino (2021)

In this three-minute short, we get an innocent and adorable showing of the lengths someone will go through for a crush.

In this three-minute short, we get an innocent and adorable showing of the lengths someone will go through for a crush.

Director(s) Carlos Taborda, Ashley Williams, Roshel Amuruz
Screenplay By Carlos Taborda, Ashley Williams, Roshel Amuruz
Date Released 10/15/2021
Where Can You Watch? Film Festival (Newfest)
Genre(s) Romance, Young Adult, LGBT, Animation, Non-English
Duration 3 Minutes
Rating Not Rated

Film Summary

A boy is looking for a flower that one of his family members used to wear in her hair, and after dropping the photo he was using for reference, another boy uses said photo to find the flower.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

  • Reason(s) for Film Rating: There is really nothing to worry about here.

Review/ Commentary


The Animation

It’s the little details that matter. Be it the imperfections when it came to both boys’ hair, especially the one with curly hair, the way things moved, or even the implementation of eyelashes. You can see a lot of details that weren’t necessary but definitely appreciated.

A Cute And Simple Story

3 minutes, naturally, isn’t going to go into a lot. However, you get enough to swoon over the idea of a kid hunting for a flower to make someone they think is cute happy. It’s simple, not too over the top, and adorable.


Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)

Carino reminds you of the importance of order when making a playlist, and as part of Newfest 2021’s “Queer Kid Power” Shorts Program, this was a perfect way to start things.

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