1. I wouldn’t necessarily call Reginald unloving. The purpose of mom, in my mind, was to provide the love he was afraid to give. For he already lost his wife, came to America (?) and decided to raise these kids to their fullest potential. Yet, in a way, I think he feared what could happen if he got too close. Hence when Five disappeared there was a portrait hanged up and when Ben died, a statue. The man likely felt deeply for his kids but felt an immense pain he never shook and didn’t want to experience that again.

    Plus, when it comes to Vanya, he gave her the one thing he had left of his ex. So he definitely loved in his own way and I hope the kids gets to confront that in season 2.

    1. I get what you are saying, the portrait of #5 and the statue of Ben were telling, but other than that, from what the show has given us, I would say in my mind Reginald was unloving. Reginald creating Grace (Mom) in my opinion wasn’t because he was afraid to love the kids, it was out of necessity. We know for a fact that at age 4 Vanya was throwing nannies out of windows and throwing them down the stairs left and right, Refinald knew that if he built a robot that could take on the hits that Vanya was throwing out it would keep everything else in line. I would say the mom giving the kids a bit of love and nurturing took even more weight and responsibility off of Reginald in terms of him being a real dad.

      The fact that the kids didn’t even get names until Grace named them speaks volumes. The fact that he didn’t even look up from his work to say good night to the kids is another point. Locking Vanya in a chamber because of her powers and literally drugging her was disgusting. Locking up an 8 year old Klaus in a damn cemetery was disgusting. Using Allison to rumor her sister into thinking she was ordinary was disgusting as well.

      Like I get what you are saying but for now the writing is on the wall. Come season 2 things could be shown differently that maybe he did love them. The siblings being better to Vanya is probably the only thing that could change in the timeline so to speak. If Reginald is an emotional abusive parent than sadly that isn’t going to change no matter what the timeline is or whether or not the siblings actually like each other or get along.


      1. I see what you mean. I guess since I know some emotionally unavailable people, I’m taking the little glimmers of hope he provided the kids and ran with it.

        As for the Vanya thing, honestly, I question if it was because he knew the Apocalypse was coming and she’d cause it – thus he originally tried to get her to control her powers and when that wasn’t working, he used Allison. Hoping the isolation, her thinking she is normal, it would stop things. Isn’t that what he pushed when speaking to Klaus in the after life? That he knew much more than he ever let on?

        1. I would say yes, but Klaus has more powers in them just talking to the dead. He also has telekansis and can fly, so Reginald was also talking about Klaus tapping into more of his powers. But before Reginald decided to kill himself it was already I wanna say 13 years or so since the siblings all came together anyway. So it was clear that none of them were on speaking terms with each other even though Reginald was still alive. I think they said after Ben died the siblings all just left. Reginald clearly felt that killing himself was the only way the siblings would come together. Which speaks volumes to me.

          What Reginald knows is still a mystery. Either way the damage of him wanting to suppress Vanya’s powers clearly had an impact in the end.

  2. Yes. To all of what you said. The foundation could be a bit better but again with the siblings going back in time it makes me think that they may as you said, rewrite history to include Vanya and make her more apart of the family, but even with that whether on not that changes how Reginald treated the kids has yet to be seen. Sadly it seems like Reginald was just an unloving, hardass in general lol

    I get the hate for Luther but it still makes a bit sad that Luther wasn’t able to get away from his father like the other kids did. I mean it makes since. When it comes to abusive households there always seems to be that one sibling who just isn’t able to break away from the abusive parent like his or her siblings do. Considering that Reginald also looked at Luther in a different way then the rest if his siblings it makes it that much more easier to understnad why Luther stayed at the academy. Reginald saw Luther as his “favorite” so it was harder for Luther to see his dad in a bad light. Unlike his siblings.

  3. Hey Amari, I read all of the recaps.

    For me I absolutely LOVE this show. I watched all 10 episode’s all the way through from start to finish.

    I agree with some of your thoughts about certain things with the show, I understand what you mean about making the characters a bit more complex but I like the underlying issues and unresovled emotions that the show has given us. I don’t necessarily think that the show has to spell everything out for us but I get what you mean about wanting the timeline to be a bit more fleshed out.

    I really like that the superpowers weren’t being thrown out there every five seconds. Again I like when powered up characters have a bit of normalcy to them. A show with superheroes just chilling in a room talking and having a discussion about things other than fighting crime is really refreshing to me.

    I really dig this show a lot and I hope we get a season 2. There really is a lot more things that can be developed and fleshed out.


    1. I can see your point about liking the show for it leaned more towards the mundane bits of being a super hero rather than some big baddie to take down and massive fights and destruction. I still wish though, if it was going to show the non-crime fighting side more, they made the emotional moments not seem so cheap. Also, I found it sad how the villains were like Jesse and James from Pokemon in a way. Capable of doing a lot, but more than half the time failing, even with a powerful organization behind them.

      1. Again, I maybe a little too hyped from the show but I think that the emotional moments were there and they weren’t cheap at all.

        I liked the villians for the most point. I get how it maybe frustrating that the badies didn’t actually get the goodies but I can kind of see from a story point of few as well. There is still a lot of story left to be told with whole more important and powerful villians than the likes of Cha Cha and Hazel. They were great by the way. MJB has really been killing in her acting roles lately.

        Also the academy fight from ep 3 was grest. From the way it was shot to the music. I loved it.

        Also I want you to guess who my favorite character is or sibling(s) are?

          1. Yes and also Allison lol. I know that you have been very critical of the show and of the development of some of the characters, but I think what we have seen so far from these characters is more than enough for me to be on board with them. Number 5 is also a great character as well the young actor definitely holds his own when it comes to acting with the grownups.

            I agree with you on making some of the characters more complex and going a bit deeper with the characters backstory though as well. But again thats where season 2 comes in hopefully. One of the things that has me excited is that the writers have a legit plan for the show. If a second season happens the writers know what they want to do.

            Also I really dig # 3 (Allison’s) power. Shoot if I had that power boy, it’s over with lol that’s the thing her power is very useful but also very dangerous as well. Just my opinion I guess.

            1. I’m looking forward to them trying to rewrite history and be nice to Vanya. Which perhaps is why they were light on the backstory since season 2 would be all about rewriting their backstories.

              And honestly, I do think most of my criticism is rooted in either the show not being like the majority of superhero shows, outside of what we see on CW, and I wish when it came to binge watch shows, they were written to be binged watched vs. done like weekly series.

              1. I get what you are saying but I guess whether a show feels binge worthy or not is just how you see the show as a whole. I personally binged TUA all the way through the first time and will actually watch it again as I wait for On My Block to come back lol

                There isn’t one character or emotional moment that you connected with lol?

              2. Vanya got me in my feelings a few times but I think that is partly because I’m a fan of Ellen Page. Heck, she is the reason I even started to watch this show. Though there were other moments. I remember a moment between Luther and Allison, maybe when she had him talk to her daughter, that got me in my feelings.

                More so the stuff early on just made me roll my eyes. By the end, when Allison pushed them to forgive Vanya, I was able to connect more.

              3. Yeah. Ellen’s acting was really good. I couldn’t imagine having the life that those kids did. Having superowers but only being seen and used as a tool or an experiment by your “father” then on top of that not being able to connect with any of your siblings on a personal like Vanya, was sad to watch.

                It’s why Allison was one of my fave characters. She was really the only character to do some real self reflection in how her adult life was. Her realizing that she didn’t work or earn any of the succes that she had, her realizing that she probably didn’t have any real friends that she didn’t have to rumor to hang out with her, judging from her upbringing it wouldn’t surprise me if Allison had issues wanting and accepting love, along with her not being able to accept a person that she may love not loving her back, and her using her powers to obtain that love back even if it wasn’t real (Patrick).

                It was shown in ep 3 that Alllison realized her treatment of Vanya and that she wanted to be a better sisters towards her. I think you were right in saying that it wasn’t until Allison became a mother herself that she was able to see the error of her ways, that and her unfortunately losing her daughter because she used her powers on her, but then again its all that Allison ever knew. Lastly, I loved how Allison was fighting to get V out of the chamber. Also the smile the two of them had during V’s concert was great too.


              4. That smile had me all the way messed up. Even with Vanya going off the deep end, there was still a part of her that wanted to be loved and accepted by her family. So that exchanged smile was not just an act of acknowledgement but perhaps also forgiveness.

                And that’s what I meant by not having the depth it could. It wasn’t until the end we really got a sense of the humanity. Before that, at best you got to see the foundation being laid down and at worse, they were trying to bring up ways to quickly get you invested without having the proper foundation laid out.

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