Last Moment of Clarity (2020) – Review/ Summary with Spoilers

Taking note of its criminal element, it’s ultimately the love we see blossom or renewed, that drives “Last Moment of Clarity.”

Taking note of its criminal element, it’s ultimately the love we see blossom or renewed, that drives “Last Moment of Clarity.”

Director(s) Colin Krisel, James Krisel
Screenplay By Colin Krisel, James Krisel
Date Released (Digital) 5/19/2020
Genre(s) Action, Crime, Drama, Romance
Duration 1 Hour, 30 Minutes
Rating Rated R
Noted Cast
Georgia/Lauren Samara Weaving
Sam Zach Avery
Kat Carly Chaikin
Karl Pasha Lynchikov
Ivan Udo Kier
Bill Alex Fernandez

This content contains pertinent spoilers.

Plot Summary

Over three years ago, an accidental fire changed the lives of Georgia and Sam forever. Before that, they were a happy couple, likely on the path to marriage, and deeply in love. Afterwards, Sam leaves the country out of fear and guilt but finds himself drawn back to the United States when a woman, Lauren Clark, who looks like Georgia, appears in a movie. Thus leaving Sam to question whether he has finally lost it or maybe Georgia is alive?

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs

You’re not just the sum of your previous parts.
— Kat

Cast Guide

Georgia/Lauren (Samara Weaving | Hollywood, Ready or Not, SMILF)

Lauren (Samara Weaving) in a movie role.
Georgia and Lauren (Samara Weaving)

Brief Description

One is an aspiring actress deeply in love with Sam and the other someone whose name is the 8th mentioned in her latest movie and is engaged to a cinematographer named Vince.

Sam (Zach Avery)

Sam (Zach Avery) talking to Lauren at a party.
Sam (Zach Avery)

Brief Description

It isn’t clear what Sam did for a living before his life changed, but we are told he had a gambling habit. But, after what happens to Georgia, and he moves to France, he just helps out at a local café, keep his head down, and go to the movies.

Kat (Carly Chaikin)

Kat (Carly Chaikin) giving Sam advice.
Kat (Carly Chaikin): You’re not just the sum of your previous parts.

Brief Description

The kid sister of one of Sam’s high school friends who he reconnects with while trying to figure if Georgia and Lauren are the same person. From what it appears, Kat works for a publicity company, and she uses the information she has access to in order to help Sam. And in the process of helping him, she also falls for Sam.

Karl (Pasha Lynchnikov)

Karl (Pasha Lynchikov) talking to Bill.
Karl (Pasha Lynchikov)

Brief Description

One of Ivan’s top soldiers, who appears to be next in line for the throne.

Ivan (Udo Kier)

Ivan (Udo Kier) in a hospital bed.
Ivan (Udo Kier)

Brief Description

The head of the Russian mob, at least it’s American equivalent, who has control over the New York and possibly LA area.

Bill (Alex Fernandez)

Bill (Alex Fernandez) reminding Karl he doesn't work for him.
Bill (Alex Fernandez)

Brief Description

One of Ivan’s top assassins who seemingly masquerades as a detective.


The Romances

While Sam is looking for a woman named Lauren Clerk, who he is sure is Georgia, he comes across Kat. She is the little sister of one of Sam’s high school friends who were a mess back in the day. However, now, likely in her 20s, she is in a better place mentally, financially, and physically. But, she still likes unavailable men, and a bit off, and weirdly you fall for her and Sam possibly getting together.

But, as Sam and Kat grow close, you have flashbacks of Georgia competing. Which, mind you, is just us seeing Georgia and Sam in a tub, speaking of the future, and sweet nothings, but the chemistry between Avery and Weaving is undeniable. It’s beyond how cute the moment is supposed to be seen as and oozes intimacy. Not to the point of making you feel like a voyeur, but definitely triggering potential fantasies of what you’d want to have with your current, or a potential, partner.

The Need To Question If Sam Has Lost His Mind

When Sam’s investigation begins, people don’t see similarities between Georgia and Lauren, which pushes you to wonder if Sam is projecting? After all, what happened to Georgia is originally cloaked in mystery and who knows what Sam has done over the course of three years. Specifically, considering he saw the love of his life die, how did he cope beyond tracing all who could have been involved?

Then when you add how Georgia’s mother reacts when he calls her, you’re pushed to wonder if Sam might be missing pieces of his memory and may have blacked out the truth. Making every encounter he has with Lauren less about reconnecting with a past love and you wondering will he repeat the sins of his past or realize he has possibly gone insane?

On The Fence

The Russian Mob Element

We appreciate how involving the mob in Sam’s affairs heightens things, but it also pushes “Last Moment of Clarity” to dance on that line of doing too much. Especially as we learn about some revenge one of them wants, how there will be a change in leadership soon, and other things. All of which don’t take away from the film, for the two Krisels do integrate how basic Sam is with the mobsters, but it may seem off at times.


Would Watch Again? – One and Done

Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)

Despite the Russian Mob element being a necessary evil, at least to set up the events of the film, “Last Moment of Clarity” is overall worth seeing. Weaving continues to prove herself as one of the top actresses today, and I’d add Chaikin is more than deserving of her chance at a lead role in either a show or film. For what they both do is drive to different goals and rather than compete to the point of eclipsing the other, Kat and Georgia ultimately complement one another. Ultimately giving you two wonderful love stories, with a criminal element added in, alongside a mystery, as a backup.

Last Moment of Clarity Ending Spoilers

Lauren is actually Georgia, and despite Sam thinking she died due to being shot by Karl’s brother, or the gas leak explosion caused by Karl’s brother, she didn’t. She got away due to a fire escape, and under the assumption Sam owed the mob money, she changed her name and his so they wouldn’t come after her. And she tried to get in contact with Sam, but with him deactivating his social media and e-mail account, she had no means to contact him.

The truth is, however, Sam got them in trouble for doing as Georgia often did – spy on the neighbors with her camera. Hence Ivan, the head of the mob, sending Karl and his brother to speak to, if not kill, Sam and Georgia. But, in the end, Ivan calls off the hit when Sam visits him in the hospital and threatens to kill him. This isn’t the reason Ivan calls things off but more so him dying of cancer and wanting to let it go.

However, Karl, who has wanted revenge for years, can’t let it go. So when Ivan tells him to, he kills Ivan and then goes after Georgia and Sam. But, between Sam, Georgia, Kat, and Georgia’s, well Lauren’s, fiancé Vince, Karl, and his crew die. Leaving us with Sam and Georgia at a crossroad. They reunited before Karl came after them, and were going to run away together. Though taking note of who they ran to and protected during the gunfight, Georgia decides to stay with Vince, and Sam goes with Kat to Mexico.

Sequel Potential

Considering Ivan and Karl are dead, there isn’t really any reason for a sequel. Add on Ivan’s hitman, Bill, has no reason to seek out Sam or Georgia, this is the end of their story.

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The Romances - 86%
The Need To Question If Sam Has Lost His Mind - 85%
The Russian Mob Element - 77%


two wonderful love stories, with a criminal element added in, alongside a mystery, as a backup.

User Rating: 5 ( 1 votes)

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User Review
4 (2 votes)


  1. One big plot hole. How did Georgia find Sam in his motel room? He didn’t tell her where he was staying.

    1. He tells her the name of the shi–y little motel he is staying in when he confronted her in the ladies room.

    2. He tells her the name of the shi–y little motel he is staying in when he confronts her in the ladies room.

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