Author: Amari Allah

Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.

Watch_Dogs – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Overview Traveling through open world cities is nothing new but with a hacking element, Watch_Dogs carves itself a nice little niche. Review (with Spoilers) After Grand Theft Auto 5 having more so a grander scale than the fun factor of past GTAs, I must admit it made Watch_Dogs sheer number of to the point…

One Night (1 Night) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

This movie might be a pleasant surprise. For one, it features a romance which isn’t about unrealistic showboating and over the top grandeur gestures. Rather, it’s heavily about communicating with someone you like or love and attempting to work through the kinks in your relationship. Leading to perhaps one of the most likable romantic films I’ve seen.

John Wick: Chapter 2 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) John Wick is back and while the movie isn’t as lean as the first, with a bit more comedic moments and fights that will make you wince, you learn to deal with the extra fat. Trigger Warning(s): Movie Contains Person Slashing Their Wrists Noted Actor(s) John Wick (Keanu Reeves) | Santino…

John Wick (2014) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) While John Wick certainly isn’t something to be considered noteworthy in terms of the violence, choreography, or story, like the majority of action movies released, it is a decent way to spend almost two hours of your lifespan. Noted Actor(s) John Wick (Keanu Reeves) | Marcus (Willem Dafoe) | Viggo (Michael…

One Day At A Time (2017): Season 1 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

While ABC has become the leader in having diverse and modern comedies, drama, and sitcoms, Netflix is steadily challenging them for the throne and perhaps the best example to date is One Day At a Time. A show which, just in 12 episodes, fully establishes the characters, their personalities, their goals, and by the final episode it leaves you in tears.

Imperial Dreams – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Imperial Dreams shows the struggles which come from trying to get yourself together after going to jail. For with no one wanting to hire a felon, you struggle with trying to stay out of what got you put into prison in the first place. Add in you don’t have any sort of assistance from the…

Dom Hemimgway – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview If the word “Debauchery” doesn’t have Dom Hemingway’s picture next to it, needless to say, someone is going to have their ass kicked! Review (with Spoilers) I heard of Dom Hemingway ages ago while watching The Graham Norton Show, but with no US release date, I honestly forgot about it. Fast forward a few…

Earth to Echo – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A group of misfits discover a friendly alien life form which needs their help to go home. Review (with Spoilers) Let me start off by saying I never saw E.T. so I can’t make any comparisons to it. However, based on the little bit I’ve seen of E.T., I can understand the comparisons. For…