Author: Amari Allah

Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.

John Wick (2014) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) While John Wick certainly isn’t something to be considered noteworthy in terms of the violence, choreography, or story, like the majority of action movies released, it is a decent way to spend almost two hours of your lifespan. Noted Actor(s) John Wick (Keanu Reeves) | Marcus (Willem Dafoe) | Viggo (Michael…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 10 “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried” [Season Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview For the safety of Kira, and Sara, a lot of deals are made. But one deal allows access into information which will make you say: “Oh Sh..!” Review (with Spoilers) I don’t think I have genuinely been left anxious and giddy by a season finale in a while. The shows I cover from fall to…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 9 “Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As life becomes increasingly difficult, each clone finds a way to make the best out of the situation, though not everyone ends the episode in triumph. Review (with Spoilers) There is one more episode to the season and I am already hating the fact you know the show is going to leave us on…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 8 “Variable and Full of Perturbation” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Meet Tony. Review (with Spoilers) Well, well. Rather than show what the hell is happening with Helena, instead we are introduced to Tony. Who pretty much is a male version of Sara, with weird looking hair. But even while Tony’s introduction is a highlight, what is really interesting is Ethan telling Rachel that the…

Title Card for One Day At A Time
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One Day At A Time (2017): Season 1 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

While ABC has become the leader in having diverse and modern comedies, drama, and sitcoms, Netflix is steadily challenging them for the throne and perhaps the best example to date is One Day At a Time. A show which, just in 12 episodes, fully establishes the characters, their personalities, their goals, and by the final episode it leaves you in tears.

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 7 “Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Helena takes the week off as Allison comes back to center stage. Review (with Spoilers) The stakes are upped quite a bit this week. Mrs. S and Sara team up to put a major crack in the Dyad Institute; Cal continues to show how attached he is to Kira, as well as Sara in…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 6 “To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Overview We discover Ethan Duncan and watch many bonds are formed or strengthened. Review (with Spoilers) With the discovery of Ethan comes a turning point. He is one of the leads of Project Lyda and gives us quite a bit of information. But, with his confession comes the need to reevaluate who truly is…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 5 “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Helena taking a more prominent role comes access to some of the information she has gathered over the years. Review (with Spoilers) I’m not sure about the rest of you, but pretty much my favorite clone is Helena. She is the most drastically different of the clones, and I must admit I find…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 4 “Governed as It Were by Chance” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Overview As we gain information on the mysterious Project Lyda, we are given additional insight into one of the clones. Review (with Spoilers) With this episode, things calm down, if only slightly, so that Project Lyda, as well as what the Prolethians are up to, can be spoken on more. With that, Allison gets…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 3 “Mingling Its Own Nature With It” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With the answer to a question I certainly wasn’t asking, as well as Art and Angie getting more aggressive in their investigation of the clones, again, more questions are given than answers. Review (with Spoilers) In the episode we discover the death of one of the clone sisters, who Kira’s father is, and watch…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 2 “Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We take a look inside the Prolethean operation, as well as learn about the whereabouts of Kira. Review (with Spoilers) As Orphan Black continues to slow feed the complexity of their universe, naturally each episode leads to more questions than answers. What is project Lyda? Is Rachel truly a villain, or perhaps misunderstood? What…

Orphan Black: Season 2/ Episode 1 “Nature Under Constraint and Vexed” [Season Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Last year’s sleeper hit returns to let people know, Orphan Black does live up to the hype. Review (with Spoilers) Last year, Orphan Black came in like a summer breeze and stormed out like a tornado, and since the 1st season, Tatiana Maslany has found herself winning and being nominated for many accolades for…


All The Ugly and Wonderful Things: Part 1/ Chapters 10 to 12 [End of Part 1] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As we expand beyond Wavy and her blood relations, as well as Kellen, you begin to realize that the whole world she lives in, and the people in it, are quite screwed up. Very much human, could be someone you know, grew up with, or are related to, but that doesn’t…

Bungo no Stray Dogs: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Fortune Is Unpredictable and Mutable” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Episode Overview A young orphan learns that a rumored detective agency is real and that they may be his ticket out of poverty. Episode Rating: Stick Around Review Summary I don’t know why everything makes me think of Kekkai Sensen, but there is something about Bungou Stray Dogs which sort of fills the gap…

Powerless: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Wayne or Lose” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) I don’t know what I thought this was, what it could be, or what I was thinking, but I watched the first episode. Leaving me with the general feelings I watch when it comes to NBC programming. Who in the hell watched this and said, “Let’s put it on the schedule.”

The Quad: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Pilot” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Despite notions that this is like Shonda Rhimes-light or even some sort of A Different World 2.0 or Drumline spin-off, it doesn’t deserve the comparisons. The only thing similar when it comes to this show is a Black woman as lead, it dealing with a college campus at a historically black…

Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil): Season 1/ Episode 5 “My First Battalion ” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) This is a very weird episode. If only because it sort of goes against the grain when it comes to action anime. We aren’t presented some unbeatable force which our hero, well anti-hero, has to train and get stronger to defeat. Pretty much, Tanya is given the opportunity for a blood…

Kuzu no Honkai (Scum’s Wish): Season 1/ Episode 4 “Bad Apple” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) The title of this anime has confused me a little bit for I just don’t see how the need and want to feel desired by someone makes a person scum. Yet, in this episode, we get a taste of who is actually scum and there is an argument that Hanabi is…

Chaos Dragon: Season 1/ Episode 1 "First Act: Kill One To Save Many" [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Introduction After an extended wait to find a subbed version, I finally have found access to Chaos Dragon – Sekiryuu Seneki. Which, at first, I must say didn’t feel like it was worth the wait. Granted, it has blood splatter, a seemingly insurmountable force, as well as charismatic villains, but with the Dragon in question…