Fuuka: Season 1/ Episode 12 “Fair Winds” [Series Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)
Fuuka ends its meandering storyline as you’d expect and thus ends a show which had promise but then lost its path.
Amari is the founder and head writer of Wherever-I-Look.com and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
Fuuka ends its meandering storyline as you’d expect and thus ends a show which had promise but then lost its path.
Kuzu no Honkai continues to focus on the growth and development of Akane and delivers quite a storyline. Though, it does leave you to wonder, how will things end for the two young lovers we begun this journey with?
Saban seems to have taken note of what made Marvel studios so effective with their properties and adapts their formula for the Power Rangers.
As we come upon the season finale, you’d almost think there were preparations being made for a happy ending. You’d be horribly wrong, though.
While Cecil remains the lifeline of this show, we continue to be eye-roll inducing melodrama when it comes to Cedric, Eva, Sydney, as well as BoJohn.
When it comes to limited release movies, there is always the question of if they are worth the extra cash required to see them. To go to NY to see a film like this, it almost costs as much as the actual ticket. But with it coming locally, and me being a Kristen Stewart fan,…
The 2nd special which premiered on Netflix doesn’t up the ante or maintain the quality of the first, but it’s good enough that the desire to complain is minimum.
I’m very conflicted on how this ends and not because of how great the ride has been, but because of who is waiting for us at the final stop. (The killer is revealed below in the footnotes)
Charlie lays out a full and compelling confession, but something is up. Something doesn’t make sense and Kato, Alexander, and Schneider are trying to piece together what.
After the “Meh” Trevor Noah special and Amy Schumer’s which was, like a cheap knockoff of a brand name comedian, Chappelle redeems Netflix’s comedy lineup with “The Age of Spin.”
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As it is learned that Sophie and Leon’s body were handled the same way as Kato, the amusing thought of a serial killer that was brought up before becomes something credible.
Everything was fine and dandy, and quite normal, but then the last 5 minutes really shake things up in a way where the reveal of who shot who gets completely forgotten about.
When you got a formula which works, in which you can just change the actors (physically but keeping similar personalities), tinker with the storyline, and make something new, you use that! That is what Ryan Murphy has been doing for years and with Lee Daniels really gaining a lot of commercial notoriety with Empire, that…
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While Megan and Kyle go through their first fight, Terrence and the studio head continue to pull on Kyle’s strings. Even as he tries to take back control of his life.
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Everything is coming apart. The ideal relationship, the ideal family, the ideal mother and child relationship, it is all going to hell. Which, at one time, was something which could be endured, given a stiff upper lip, but that pose can’t be held forever. After awhile, that lip trembles, tears fall, and your grip loosens…
And so we come to the end and it is filled with a lot of heartbreak and tears, but eventually the sun comes out. Yet, even as the light removes all the shadows and mysteries that were left, you will still be wiping away tears.
This show is truly the epitome of what it means when I label the pilot as “Stick Around.” For not all shows can hit a home run their first time up at bat. Some bunt, some just get to first base, and they need some time. The more shows I watch, of which I’m pretty…
The deeper down the rabbit hole we go the more interesting the story. Especially as it seems Alexander maybe very familiar with partaking in corruption of justice.
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Oasis reminds you of why Amazon has a pilot season in which they test to see if audiences would even like the show before they invest in full seasons of them.
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is probably one of the few shows Amazon has put on their slate, besides Mozart in the Jungle which makes you believe they are serious about producing compelling, funny, and original productions.
As a similar crime to Kato’s is found, and Melanie reveals an interesting tidbit, Schneider finally learns about the biker who Alexander was trying to protect.
Things begin to get interesting as Kato’s past and blood test arrive and Inspector Schneider finds herself at the Hotel Beau Séjour.
As we get to learn more about the characters, so begins the questioning of who may have killed Kato and why.
Hotel Beau Séjour certainly isn’t something which will hook you on the first episode, but it is weird enough for you to want to see how things play out.
As with the majority of the show, there isn’t much hardship for Tanya as multiple operations kick off. However, it seems the easy days maybe over as Anson Sioux reintroduces himself.
While Eva’s storyline continues the network TV drama, Cecil gets to step forward and with that, you get a show which has some sense of heart. To the point, you almost wish they would retool this show for a possible season 2.
While the show takes a slight step back with the inclusion of more ecchi than seen in recent memory [note]there are ass shots galore[/note], it makes a lot of hasty moves so it can wrap up the story.
Legion continues to question why should it ever be like any comic book adaptation you are used to? Why can’t it be weird, trippy, and a bit of a mind f—?
In an episode which largely is focused on understanding Akame, you also begin to understand Mugi past his likable façade.
Let me be straight up – Thanks to Tyler Perry, when OWN started having scripted shows without his name on it, I did not for a second think they would be good. Granted, they were under the Oprah umbrella, and she was giving us the rare opportunity to see her act, but I was skeptical….
The Belko Experiment takes the idea of going postal to the next level but, like the phrase, you’ll be left more with memories of the violence than the story behind the violence.
The Last Tycoon, while likable, doesn’t have that certain hook or spark to make it something you want to put on your watchlist for when, or if, the full first season is released.
Beauty and the Beast may not capture the magic of the original, but the melodrama added on to fill in the missing backstories of a few characters makes this live action remake just a tinsey bit worth it.
Star ends with a bang, a bit of redemption, and a few body bags to take out characters who outlived their purpose.
In part 4, almost all of Wavy’s worse nightmares come true and due to that she is forced to fully rely on herself, entertain herself, and figure out a way to live when the only reason to do so is just hoping for a better day.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.