Corvine (2023) – Movie Review and Summary (with Spoilers)

The Kid flying amongst the crows

“Corvine” reminds you how much the support of parents matters when you are a little kid.

Film Summary

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A young man has a strong affinity with the crows in his area. He leaps amongst them, shares his snacks, and treats them as friends. He even caws more than he speaks, making going to school challenging. At home, around his parents and grandparents, he can adorn himself with feathers and be eccentric, but at school? It gets him bullied. This leaves his family in an odd predicament as they can either watch the boy shrink or figure out an outlet for him to, once again, spread his wings.


Our Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)Recommended

Notable Performances or Moments

How The Parents and Grandparents Find A Place For Their Kid To Be Themselves

The Kid and His Grandmother
“The Kid and His Grandmother,” Corvine, directed by Sean McCarron, 2023, (Tribeca Film Festival)

It would be very easy to allow their son to shrink, become depressed, and hope he’d eventually assimilate. However, the grandmother finding an outlet and the parents going along with it is the type of new-age parenting all kids need and deserve. School is about helping you find a job. It isn’t about helping you lead a fulfilling and happy life. The teachers, the administrators, security guards, and lunch people aren’t skipping into work, happy with their pay and, at least in America, how they are valued in society. Hell nah.

So it is better to expose a child to means and ways so they don’t die a slow death due to the pressure of conformity.

General Information

Director(s) Sean McCarron
Screenplay By Sean McCarron
Based On N/A
Date Released (Film Festival – Tribeca At Home) June 19, 2023
Genre(s) Youth, Animation
Film Length 11 Minutes
Content Rating Not Rated


If you like this movie, we recommend:

  1. Pete (2022): Another short focused on parents letting their kids be who they are

Also, check our movies page for more recommendations and our latest movie reviews.


What Is “Corvine” Rated And Why?

The Kid bored at school

Corvine is not rated, and the only notable thing to worry about is that it has bullying.

Where Can I Watch “Corvine?”

Tribeca At Home until July 2, 2023

The Kid flying amongst the crows
Corvine (2023) – Movie Review and Summary (with Spoilers)
"Corvine" is a sweet reminder of the freedoms children have and how adults can figure out ways to keep that joy alive or let people smother it out.
How The Parents and Grandparents Find A Place For Their Kid To Be Themselves

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