1. One aspect of the film which I believe is more of a flaw of the character than the movie. Is the fact for the most technologically advanced nation in the world, they form of governance is very primitive. Meaning that in order to be king, you simply have to beat the King in a fistfight. For a country far more advanced than any other country, Michael B Jordan, an outside nearly takes down the country overnight. Even M’Baku almost beats him and becomes King. It’s a flaw in the universe of Black Panther that makes it hard to believe how a Monarchy system can achieve technological advance,emt without involving into a Republic form of governance because that flaw can easily lead to the demise of Wakanda which it almost did.

    1. But isn’t it more so an oligarchy? Without the council leaders supporting the king, as shown, the country easily can fall into civil war at the drop of a hat. So, in a way, while there is a king, I wouldn’t say their power is absolute at all. Seemingly, as long as the other nations of Wakanda aren’t necessarily negatively affected, they present an air of indifference.

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