And Then She Kissed Me (2020) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Title Card - And Then She Kissed Me

Set to the song “And Then She Kissed Me” by St. Vincent, the short, sharing the song’s name, is a sweet and quick romance made to make you swoon.

Set to the song “And Then She Kissed Me” by St. Vincent, the short, sharing the song’s name, is a sweet and quick romance made to make you swoon.

Director(s) Alexia Khodanian
Screenplay By Alexia Khodanian
Date Released (Film Festival: NewFest –  The New York LGBTQ Film Festival 2020) 10/16/2020
Genre(s) Romance, Young Adult, LGBT
Duration 2 Minutes
Rating Not Rated

This content contains pertinent spoilers.

Plot Summary

“And Then She Kissed Me” goes from a homecoming dance to us navigating a relationship between two girls, with hopes that they’ll last forever.



Delivers What You’d Want Out Of A Short

The purpose of any short is to present what a writer/director can do and act almost as a reel. “This is what I’m about, this is my style, finance this or other future productions,” and Khodanian does that. While we only caught the name of Daniella, whether animated or live-action, there is no denying that this is a story worth seeing fleshed out. It’s cute, simple, lacks drama – beyond whether the other person may feel the same, and makes you swoon.


Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)Recommended

Two girls, under a tree's shade, looking at each other.

This is the first thing we’re watching from NewFest (Tickets Still Available), and it has set a wonderful tone that has us excited for what else has been curated. So, get tickets in the link above and check out “And Then She Kissed Me,” which is part of “Shorts: Free To Be Me.”

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