TV Series Collected Quotes: Anne with an E

Title Card - Netflix & CBC’s Anne With An E

In this post you’ll find quotes collected from the Netflix/CBC show: Anne with an E. I hope you enjoy what you find.

In this post you’ll find quotes collected from the Netflix/CBC show: Anne with an E. I hope you enjoy what you find.

Season 1

Episode 1

I like imagining better than remembering.

Season 2

Episode 1

“I don’t charge for my advice, though it is worth a fortune.”
– Rachel

Episode 3

“All we can do is our best , regardless of what we know or don’t know.”
– Anne

Episode 4

“It’s a powerful thing to have done someone wrong when you truly didn’t intend it.”
– Marilla

Episode 5

“ if a kiss is such a big idea, then why is it such a small word? It should be long and difficult to say.”
– Anne

Episode 7

“Art, the ability to make it, gives meaning to sadness in a way that many aren’t able to experience.”
– Woman in Blue Top Hat (Joanne Boland)

“ there is no straight path in art or life. Sometimes there’s no path at all and one must break down walls and machete their way through the woods to get where they need to go.”
– Woman in Blue Top Hat (Joanne Boland)

“You have a life of such joy before you. Not without hardship. Not without bumps in the road. Be safe with those you trust. But when you do find people to trust, the bond will be that much greater.”
– Aunt Josephine

Episode 9

Miss Stacy noting how Anne should write her essay.
Ms. Stacy: It doesn’t have to be long, but it has to be meaningful.

Episode 10

“It’s not what the world holds for you, it is what you bring to it. ”
– Anne

“Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.”
– Anne

Season 3

Episode 2

Nightmares aren’t so scary without the protection of the dark.
— Anne

The best part of knowing the rules is finding acceptable ways of breaking them.
— Miss Rose

Episode 3

Sometimes life hides gifts in the darkest of places.
— Anne

Episode 4

Love is not quantifiable, and therefore not finite.
— Muriel Stacy

Episode 5

Attraction – yes, it’s important. But love… that’s what truly matters.
— Sebastian

Episode 6

You don’t need a third eye, not when you have your own two
— Lyudmila

Episode 7

Sound journalism must defend the voiceless, not send them further into silence.
— Ms. Stacy

In order for big, new ideas to take hold, they must be carefully planned and flawlessly executed.
— Ms. Stacy

I’m loved now, but when I wasn’t, it didn’t mean I wasn’t worthy of it.
— Anne

Episode 8

Aunt Josephine: That is a prodigious conundrum.

I’ve never bought into that “You Just Know” notion. Love is a tricky thing. Sometimes it feels like an undeniable force that hits between the eyes and doesn’t let up. Other times, it’s malleable, questionable. It’s truth hidden in and amongst external obstacles and internal circumstances that’ve formed who you are, what you expect in the world, and how you can accept love. Oh, to say the least, it’s complicated. And if a mind’s abuzz with pressure and deadlines and “What if this and that,” I imagine love’s truth would be a near-impossible thing to feel. I wonder if, when all’s quiet in your mind, you’ll find your answer.
— Aunt Josephine

A morning can start off like any other, but by nightfall… things have occurred that could change a course forever.
— Diana

Episode 10

The more I held her back, the less I was included.
— Marilla

You are a wish come true I never knew I was making.
— Marilla

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