Cursed Cast and Character Guide

Title Card - Cursed

A guide for the Netflix series “Cursed.” Noted are cast members, information about their character, and other details about the show.

A guide for the Netflix series “Cursed.” Noted are cast members, information about their character, and other details about the show.

Please Note: This content contains pertinent spoilers, descriptions are updated as new information is presented, images changed as better ones are captured, and this is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, guest star, or reoccurring role.

Nimue (Katherine Langford)

Nimue (Katherine Langford) entering a port town.
Nimue (Katherine Langford)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Nimue”

Brief Introduction

Despite being born amongst the Fey, people who worship Gods unlike other humans and have neighbors with wings, amongst other things, Nimue has lived an isolated life. This is mainly due to, when she was 5, being attacked by a demon and surviving the attack. However, with her survival came the mark of a demon. Which, when combined with her inherited powers, which allows her to tap into nature, it led to her being called a witch.

Additional Information About Nimue

  • S1E2: The demon, or dark God, depending on who is speaking, manifested itself in the shape of a bear


Lenore (Catherine Walker)

Lenore (Catherine Walker) doing her duties as high priestess.
Lenore (Catherine Walker)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Nimue”

Brief Introduction

A high priestess, and Nimue’s mother, that, even with a notable position, wasn’t necessarily able to protect her daughter from the cruelty of her world. However, even when she became a single parent, she was often all Nimue needed and remains the greatest love she has ever known.

Additional Information About Lenore


Father Calden (Peter Mullan)

Father Calden (Peter Mullan) as he has people burned
Father Calden (Peter Mullan)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Nimue”

Brief Introduction

The leader of the Red Paladins is a religious zealot, who wishes to commit genocide against all fey kind. Which, with a drought and famine plaguing the world, he has taken advantage of that to gain followers and increase his power. One that soon may even threaten that of the king.

Additional Information About Father Calden

  • Origins (1.4): We’re told that Father Calden comes from the south


King Uther (Sebastian Armesto)

King Ulther (Sebastian Armesto) talking to Merlin.
King Ulther (Sebastian Armesto)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Nimue”

Brief Introduction

The ruler of the lands we see in “Cursed” that doesn’t appear to be the most formidable king. Heck, he certainly isn’t the most liked, and he leans heavily on Merlin in ways that may screw him over in the long run.

Additional Information About King Uther


Arthur (Devon Terrell)

Arthur (Devon Terrell) taken by Nimue's beauty.
Arthur (Devon Terrell)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Nimue”

Brief Introduction

The Arthur we meet isn’t anyone of note. In fact, he is the son of someone who was deeply in debt and struggled most of his life. However, thanks to his charms and looks, he has done well with the ladies and is quite taken by Nimue. Someone who falls for his charms, but it isn’t clear if he might always be her proverbial knight in shining armor.

Additional Information About Arthur


Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgård)

Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgard) in his home.
Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgard)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Nimue”

Brief Introduction

Once a great wizard, with his powers dwindling, so has his influence, and with the more he drinks, the less respect he is able to even try to maintain. Leaving Merlin, a much younger figure than you might be used to, someone who seemingly has wasted his potential. However, with Nimue sent on a quest to give the sword of power to Merlin, he may just redeem himself.

Additional Information About Merlin

  • The King’s Advisor (1.4): It is noted that, for at least 5 centuries, Merlin has advised kings.


Squirrel (Billy Jenkins)

Squirrel (Billy Jenkins) hiding from violence.
Squirrel (Billy Jenkins)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 2 “Cursed”

Brief Introduction

Squirrel is like a brother to Nimue, partly because he is one of the few who doesn’t ostracize her, and they have quite a loving relationship. But, once separated, Squirrel is forced to rely on his speed to keep himself safe. Especially considering the mouth he has.

Additional Information About Squirrel


The Weeping Monk (Daniel Sharman)

The Weeping Monk (Daniel Sharman) about to be in action.
The Weeping Monk (Daniel Sharman)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 2 “Cursed”

Brief Introduction

Not much is revealed about The Weeping Monk beyond his reputation often preceding his appearance. However, you are given the vibe he is someone who may know more about Fey kind than you’d expect from any mortal. Leading you to wonder if his past may have connections to the Fey.

Additional Information About The Weeping Monk


The Widow (Zoe Waiters)

The Widow (Zoe Waites) talking to Merlin.
The Widow (Zoe Waites)

First Noted In – Season 1, Episode 2 “Cursed”

Brief Introduction

An associate of Merlin who does her best to guide him in the right direction. However, his stubbornness sometimes overpowers her good intentions, and thus she is left to be a spectator to his self-destruction.

Additional Information About The Widow


Marion (Jaye Griffiths)

Marion (Jaye Griffiths) in her carriage.
Marion (Jaye Griffiths)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 3 “Alone”

Brief Introduction

Arthur’s aunt, who married well, that doesn’t have much to offer him, but does take some pity on her nephew.

Additional Information About Marion


Tor (Richard Pepple)

Tor (Richard Pepple) dying.
Tor (Richard Pepple)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 3 “Alone”

Brief Introduction

Morgana and Arthur’s father, who was honorable, but terrible with money and died in debt. A debt that Arthur inherited and led to him being separated from his sister.

Additional Information About Tor


Ector (Peter Guinness)

Ector (Peter Guinness) in his throne room.
Ector (Peter Guinness)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 3 “Alone”

Brief Introduction

Ector is Arthur and Morgana’s uncle by marriage, who takes absolutely no pity on them. Hence why, despite his ability, and likely ample opportunity to raise his nephew and niece in law, he didn’t do so. Even after his own son, Charles, died.

Additional Information About Ector


Morgana (Shalom Brune-Franklin)

Morgana (Shalom Brune-Franklin) revealing her name isn't Igraine - that's her grandmother's name.
Morgana (Shalom Brune-Franklin)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 3 “Alone”

Brief Introduction

When we meet Morgana, she is living under her grandmother’s name, Igraine, while at the Yvoire Abbey. A place where she is a nun and has lived since around the time her father died, and she was separated from her brother. But, despite the trauma that led her to join the abbey, she has gotten used to it. She even gets to see her brother on occasion and has a secret girlfriend.

Additional Information About Morgana


Sister Iris (Emily Coates)

Sister Iris (Emily Coates) as she asks questions of Morgana.
Sister Iris (Emily Coates)

Character Introduction

First Appears In – Season 1 Episode 4 “The Red Lake” 

The young Sister Iris is a devout member of the Yvoire Abbey. However, with being taught from a young age, and seeing her faith as absolute, it makes the discovery of Fey being hoarded amongst the abbey shocking and her inability to become a Red Paladin frustrating.

Additional Information About Sister Iris


Pym (Lily Newmark)

Pym (Lily Newmark) looking up at a man claiming her as his girlfriend.
Pym (Lily Newmark)

Character Introduction

First Appears In – Season 1 Episode 4 “The Red Lake” 

Nimue’s best friend who envies her position in their village. Though what she also envies is Nimue having some realm of control over her life, if not the possibility of options.

Additional Information About Pym


Lord Rugen (Olafur Darri Olafsson)

Lord Rugen (Olafur Darri Olafsson) talking to Merlin.
Lord Rugen (Olafur Darri Olafsson)

Character Introduction

First Appears In – Season 1 Episode 4 “The Red Lake” 

A king in the underworld who is an old friend of Merlin turned foe due to Merlin’s recent use of trickery. Especially in regards to stealing Lord Rugen’s treasures.

Additional Information About Lord Rugen


Celia (Sophie Harkness)

Celia (Sophie Harkness) sighing as her love goes away.
Celia (Sophie Harkness)

Character Introduction

First Appears In – Season 1 Episode 4 “The Red Lake” 

Morgana’s girlfriend who, like her, is a nun. However, unlike Morgana, Celia isn’t bold and a bit more fearful of the outside world.

Additional Information About Sister Celia


General Information

Creator(s) Frank Miller, Tom Wheeler
First Aired (Netflix) 7/17/2020

Groups & Organizations

  • The Red Paladin (1.1): A group that is led by Father Calden, whose goal is the genocide of the Fey. To which they show no mercy and kill both women and children.
    • Eunuchs (1.4): It is revealed members of the Red Paladins are Eunuchs.

Notable Episodes

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Notable Locations

  • Beggars Coast (1.1): An area where many fey villages can be found
  • Yvoire Abbey (1.3): Where Morgana stays, and Nimue ends up in episode 3
  • Harrow’s Pond (1.4): Mentioned as the village the Snake Clan comes from
  • Grammaire (Season 1): One of the major trading towns
  • Nemos (1.4): A refuge for Fey people after the Red Paladins destroy their home village.

Terms & Items To Know

  • The Sword of Power (1.1): What is likely to become King Arthur’s sword which, for a long time, was held with the Fey
  • Sky Folk (1.1): One of the terms which categorize Nimue and her people
  • The Hidden (1.1): The Gods Nimue and her people pray to
  • Wolf Blood Witch (1.3): Nimue’s nickname amongst the Red Paladins

Other Noteworthy Information

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Where To Watch

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