Spontaneous (2020) – Review/Summary (with Spoilers)
“Spontaneous” is one of the rare films that aims to make you laugh, feel, and connect that, for the most part, succeeds in everything it set out to do.
“Spontaneous” is one of the rare films that aims to make you laugh, feel, and connect that, for the most part, succeeds in everything it set out to do.
Katherine Langford, Charlie Plummer, and Hayley Law in one movie – what more could you want? Well, besides teens spontaneously combusting?
A guide for the Netflix series “Cursed.” Noted are cast members, information about their character, and other details about the show.
While it may not be what die-hard fantasy fans want or need, there is enough in “Cursed” to hold you over until something with a bit more oomph comes around.
While a tad long, in order to pack in as many twists and turns as possible, Knives Out ultimately is one of the best mystery films you’ve seen in a long time and will see in a long time.
Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why continues to push the TV landscape and harness the types of stories and visuals only seen in indie movies. Giving a sometimes too raw, to the point of seeming for the sake of dramatics, story.
Daughter provides a bit of social commentary when it comes to respectability politics and whether women set themselves up to be raped or killed.
Love, Simon completely wastes its nearly perfect cast with the kind of adaptation which makes you wish it completely disassociated itself from the book.
The Misguided is a tale of two brothers who, despite their relationship complicated by a woman and drugs, may sometimes struggle to keep your attention.
Though there are a few minor changes, mostly which are understandable, Thirteen Reasons Why starts off with things being very close to the book. Well, with the exception of us getting to experience Hannah with our own eyes and perhaps Clay not being as much of a saint.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.