The Truth About Christmas – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)
The Truth About Christmas tries, it tries really hard. But I can’t firmly say it succeeds in everything it was trying to say or do.
Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
The Truth About Christmas tries, it tries really hard. But I can’t firmly say it succeeds in everything it was trying to say or do.
Toni Braxton comes to visit the red table and clears up some things about her divorce, her relationship with Birdman, and related to Adrienne a little bit.
We jump to the teen years and as the girls get a taste of being seen as women, neither one seems fond of what that brings.
With a double elimination around the corner, the question isn’t so much who should stay but who should have been left – on their own accord.
You challenges what can be acceptable and set aside when it comes to finding and maintaining love in the internet age.
After the death scare, it seems Goblin Slayer decides to open up a bit to Onna and we get to see him slay a different kind of monster.
PIMP is all about image and lacks the kind of complexity you want it to have to make it something easy to defend.
Robin Hood (2018) seemingly just wants to take advantage of the hero’s name recognition and very little of the known story.
Sorry For Your Loss is a moving show which sadly stumbles as it tries to distance itself from its central tragedy.
Netflix may have produced a Christmas classic with The Christmas Chronicles. The kind you’d watch with your family and/or friends for years to come.
The season comes to an end by having a soft reboot. One which allows a new threat to get every Greenleaf’s undivided attention.
Black Lightning finally brings on a new villain, a faction war, and loads of action. Thus reminding you this isn’t strictly some metahuman family show.
Like most boxing movies, when the actors are in the ring you’re flinching and engaged. However, once they leave the ring? Well, let’s just say you’ll be counting down to the next fight.
Lila continues to face adversity and yet despite being born poor, a girl, and being a girl who is headstrong, she continues her arduous journey.
Ralph Breaks The Internet may have an excellent example of toxic behavior for a conversation starter, but outside of that it feels like a parade its leads get lost in.
Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia helps you understand how her perspective allowed him to be open and handle the weirdness of life.
The show decides to hand the reigns to Aisha Hinds and gives us something which almost makes you wonder, “Why wasn’t this the show’s pilot?”
Dr. Andrews pops his head back in to address a Claire situation and Dr. Park’s past continues to be danced around. Also, it is revealed Morgan has friends.
The cast and characters of the HBO program My Brilliant Friend and a brief description of each character and their story (with spoilers).
Adrienne and her hairstylist lay their burdens down and give us their stories so you can see and understand the signs, signals, and warnings before it is too late.
While My Brilliant Friend overloads you with character introductions, the leads keep a tight enough grip for you to not end up lost.
While Never Heard does let a character’s potential fall through the cracks, it’s use of faith and the challenges of fatherhood give reason to check this out.
A cast and character guide for the series Dirty John featuring who plays who, information about each character, and other noteworthy information about the show.
Dirty John ends its first episode definitely hooking you and making you want to spoil the ending with reading the real story.
Jinn gives us a rare kind of coming of age tale which is driven to greatness thanks to the writing of Nijla Mu’Min and performance of Zoe Renee.
As Aaron realizes he has a problem and Alexx reveals another side to himself which makes it harder to say if these women aren’t wasting their time.
It seems Goblin Slayer may have finally bit off more than he can chew as he encounters a Goblin Champion.
Widows pushes the need to question, what would it be like if those who made art house and Oscar-caliber films ventures outside their comfort zone – and succeeded.
Instant Family offers it all. Vulgar comedy, touching moments that make you cry, and compelling viewpoints on fostering and adoption.
Cam, as interesting as it is, leaves one thing out which may make or break the film for you.
We FINALLY meet Bowie’s (Steven’s) mother Cookie and Cyrus is invited to spend time with TJ and his friends – leading to a cop getting involved.
The Princess Switch is a little cringey at times, in a comical way, and definitely is a must if you are into holiday movies.
It is said God always has a plan. One could argue all we’ve seen, especially in terms of Basie and Rochelle, was part of the Lord’s plan.
Everyone’s romantic relationships are hanging on by a tip of a finger and a grand gesture only fixes one. Can you guess which?
A character guide for Netflix, formerly Lifetime, TV Series “YOU.” Included is information about characters and noteworthy information about the series.
Black Lightning continues to suffer by not having a true villain, but it may use the existence of new, or newly revealed, and old metahumans to compensate.
As Grindelwald’s reason for taking power away from humanity is revealed, the romance of the first movie expands and deepens.
The New Romantic solidifies Jessica Barden’s stardom as she begins to forge a path that will surely lead to others being compared to her.
As we learn Claire does have a life outside of the hospital, two brothers trigger Shaun’s memories of not just Steve but his father.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.