Clock (2023) – What Happened, How It Ended, and What Could Come Next

Title Card - Clock (2023)

A summary of how “Clock” (2023) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.

A summary of how “Clock” (2023) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.

Director(s) Alexis Jacknow
Screenplay By Alexis Jacknow
Date Released (Hulu) Friday, April 28, 2023
Genre(s) Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Film Length 1 Hour 32 Minutes
Content Rating Rated TV-MA
Noted Characters and Cast
Ella Dianna Agron
Aidan Jay Ali
Shauna Grace Porter
Fiona (Fi) Laura Elizabeth Stuart
Joseph Saul Rubinek
Dr. Elizabeth Simmons Melora Hardin
Dr. Webber Nikita Patel

This content contains pertinent spoilers.

How Did It End?

After going through hormonal therapy and even having an implant put into her vagina, Ella decides enough is enough. The baby fever is causing her to become some form of color-blind, erratic, and very unlike herself. But, what really complicates things are learning Aidan set Ella up. Under the guise of worrying about her getting breast cancer, he sent her to Dr. Webber, who funneled her to Dr. Simmons, who was experimenting to get women to want to have babies. But in the end, that’s not what Ella wants, and no matter how natural everyone else makes it seem, it isn’t natural for her.

The Tall Woman (Rosa Gilmore)
“The Tall Woman (Rosa Gilmore),” Clock, directed by Alexis Jacknow, 2023, (Hulu)

In fact, because of the hormones and the feelings that rushed in, she killed her father, Joseph, utterly destroyed Shauna’s nursery with some creepy design, and in the end, she committed suicide. Another woman lost due to a man, and society, pushing her to be a mother.

Is There Sequel/ Prequel Potential?

Considering Ella is likely dead, no. Though Dr. Simmons is still alive, and while Aidan did prick his penis on the implant Dr. Simmons put in, he could easily meet another woman, potentially not interested in children, and set her on the same path.

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