A Million Miles Away (2023) 

Austin Estrada

Review By

Alejandra Marquez Abella

Directed by

Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez, Alejandra Marquez Abella

September 15, 2023

Written By

Released (Prime Video)


"A Million Miles Away" is a biopic focusing on Jose Hernandez's journey from a migrant farmworker to an astronaut and his challenges.

Noted  Characters and Cast

José M. Hernández (Michael Peña), Adela Hernández (Rosa Salazar), Frederick Sturckow (Garret Dillahunt), and more.

What Is “Natty Knocks” Rated And Why?

“A Million Miles Away” is Rated PG-13 for mild profanity and mature thematic material.

Review Summary

Michael Peña delivers a grounded depiction of an inspiring true story, and what can be considered a career best, as he shows not only an unwavering spirit but vulnerability.

Review Summary

However, with a familiar, if not outright predictable narrative and pacing that only gives a glimpse of the challenges Hernández had, it can sometimes feel like boxes are being checked off.

Who Is this For?

Fans of Michael Peña’s work and biopics that demonstrate someone overcoming the odds will enjoy “A Million Miles Away.”

"Cesar Chavez," played by Michael Peña, is a biopic about the civil rights leader, and co-founder of the United Farm Workers Union.