Handmaids with ropes around their neck.

One Comment

  1. If you want to know more about the rationale behind The Aunts caste and the origins of Gilead, then it’d be a good idea to borrow the novel from your local library and skip ahead to the appendix at the end of the book called “Historical Notes” – which takes the form of a history professor in the future delivering a lecture on the social structure and origins of the now extinct society of Gilead. He also expounds upon how June’s story came to be a matter of public record (basically, a bunch of old cassette tape recordings were found in the ruins of an old building and then reassembled by a bunch of academics who were unsure of the correct order they should be edited into – which accounts for the fragmented and non-linear style of the narrative). Of course, the TV series might change aspects of this, but I predict that the fundamental underpinnings will be the same, since most of what the TV series has changed from the novel relates more to tone and characterisation, rather than politics.

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