Sex Education: Season 4/ Episode 1 – Recap and Review

Eric (Ncuti Gatwa) and Otis (Asa Butterfield)

“Sex Education” enters its final season with many familiar faces missing but with a notable slew of new characters to take up their screen time.

General Information

Director(s) Dominic Leclerc
Writer(s) Laurie Nunn
Release Date (Netflix) September 21, 2023
Noted Characters
Eric Ncuti Gatwa
Ruby Mimi Keene
Otis Asa Butterfield
O Thaddea Graham
Maeve Emma Mackey
Cal Dua Saleh
Jean Gillian Anderson
Viv Chinenye Ezeudu
Beau Reda Elazouar
Mr. Groff Alistair Petrie
Adam Connor Swindells
Isaac George Robinson
Aimee Aimee Lou Wood
Thomas Molloy Dan Levy
Abbi Anthony Lexa
Aisha Alexandra James
Roman Felix Mufti

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”jdFVdqIN” upload-date=”2023-09-24T04:22:27.000Z” name=”Sex Education Season 4 Episode 1 – Recap and Review.mp4″ description=”Sex Education enters its final season with many familiar faces missing but with a notable slew of new characters to take up their screen time.” player-type=”static”]

Noteworthy Information or Questions

Vivienne may have a new crush on this boy named Beau.

Mr. Groff is a sub at the college. Adam seemingly has become a NEET as he isn’t going to school and currently isn’t employed, but may look into farming.

Isaac also goes to Cavendish, and between his interactions with Otis and the obtuse Aimee, he is the same butt wipe from previous seasons.

Maeve captures the attention of Thomas Molloy, who has the knack of getting whoever is his semester intern a book deal – and Maeve appears on his radar.

Jean has a new job working at a radio show, and we learn O is a fan of Jean.

New Character Description(s)

Abbi (Anthony Lexa)

Aisha (Alexandra James), Abbi (Anthony Lexa), and Roman (Felix Mufti) - Sex Education Season 4 Episode 1
“Aisha (Alexandra James), Abbi (Anthony Lexa), and Roman (Felix Mufti),” Sex Education Season 4, 2023, (Netflix)

Abbi is one of, if not the most popular girl at Cavendish College and the leader of the group known as “The Coven.”

Additional Information

  • Introduced In: Season 4/ Episode 1


Aisha (Alexandra James)

Aisha is Abbi’s right hand, who is hard of hearing, loves astrology, and is a bit of a gossip, even if it is frowned upon at Cavendish.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In: Season 4/ Episode 1


Roman (Felix Mufti)

Roman is Abbi’s boyfriend who appears to be non-binary.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In: Season 4/ Episode 1


Thomas Molloy (Dan Levy)

Thomas Molloy (Dan Levy) - Sex Education Season 4 Episode 1
“Thomas Molloy (Dan Levy),” Sex Education Season 4, 2023, (Netflix)

With multiple published books, Mr. Molloy is not only a major catch for the school but for those like Maeve, a means of getting published as, since he has started, he has helped nearly every intern he has had get their first book published.

Additional Information


O (Thaddea Graham)

O (Thaddea Graham) - Sex Education Season 4 Episode 1
“O (Thaddea Graham),” Sex Education Season 4, 2023, (Netflix)

O is the Otis of Cavendish, or rather, Otis was the O of Moordale as she has far surpassed him regarding helping teens with their sexuality. From making videos, creating safe and comfortable spaces, and honestly seemingly like she is a true student of Jean, far more than Otis, she is the real deal. Thus presenting a major threat to the one thing that made Otis feel validated and important.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In: Season 4/ Episode 1


Beau (Reda Elazouar)

Beau (Reda Elazouar) - Sex Education Season 4 Episode 1
“Beau (Reda Elazouar),” Sex Education Season 4, 2023, (Netflix)

Beau shares a class with Viv, taught by Mr. Groff, and appears to be her crush in season 4.

Additional Information

  • Introduced In: Season 4/ Episode 1


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Sex Education: Season 4/ Episode 1 – Overview


Awkward as ever, “Sex Education” starts off strong as it enters a brave and strange new world where it seems, potentially, anything goes.

  • Opposite School - 81%
  • Cal's journey - 85%
  • The Other Sex Therapist - 82%
  • Jean - 73%
User Review
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  • The Other Sex Therapist
  • Cal’s journey
  • Opposite School


  • Jean

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