The Passengers of the Night (2023) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)

Talulah (Noée Abita) and Elisabeth (Charlotte Gainsbourg) after Talulah relapsed

A mother starting over after a divorce finds herself enamored by a young girl with a heartening story who is homeless. Thus she takes her in and finds a renewed energy in her household.

General Information

Director(s) Mikhaël Hers
Screenplay By Maud Ameline, Mariette Désert, Mikhaël Hers
Based On N/A
Date Released (In Theaters) June 30, 2023
Genre(s) Drama, Non-English (French)
Film Length 1 Hour 51 Minutes
Content Rating Not Rated
Noted Characters and Cast
Elisabeth Charlotte Gainsbourg
Talulah Noée Abita

What Is “The Passengers of the Night” Rated And Why?

“The Passengers of the Night” is Not Rated because:

  • Dialog: Cursing
  • Violence: N/A
  • Sexual Content: Nudity
  • Miscellaneous: Drinking and smoking

Film Summary

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text in this post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made from those sites, we may earn money or products from the company.

After a recent divorce and recovery from breast cancer, Elisabeth finds herself alone, with two late-teen kids, trying to restart her life. As she gets a job at a local radio station, she becomes enamored and taken by a young girl named Tallulah, who she invites into her home. With no parents, a secret addiction, and being homeless, Tallulah is thankful but maintains a sense of mystery. One which leads to Elisabeth’s son developing a crush and Tallulah becoming his elusive first love.

Character Descriptions

Please Note: This character guide is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, and character descriptions may contain what can be considered spoilers.


Recently divorced, raising two kids, and having not worked since around the time they were born, Elisabeth wasn’t ready to be single. She didn’t understand modern technology, couldn’t afford her apartment, and barely had enough time to mourn her marriage before she had to get serious about survival.


Homeless, young, and addicted to drugs, while Talulah is a sweetheart, she is troubled in ways neither of Elisabeth’s children are, making her a new child-rearing experience.


Our Rating: Mixed (Divisive)

Who Is This For?

Those who enjoy simple dramas which aren’t over the top, looking for accolades, but are rather slice of life.

On The Fence

Being Torn Between Wanting More Tallulah Yet Appreciating Elisabeth

One of the main challenges of “The Passengers of the Night” is the push and pull between your focus being on Talullah and being on Elisabeth. As a recently single mom, who is dating a little bit, and slowly, but surely, watching her kids grow up, get jobs, and move out, Elisabeth’s storyline is tame, potentially relatable, but not exciting. This is in comparison to Talulah, who is homeless, seems to be part of the goth scene, and holds secrets that, as viewers, we never get the answers to.

Throughout the movie, you are just left to be curious as you have one character who you learn everything about, Elisabeth, and another who keeps you at arm’s length, with the exception of being told she is homeless and later the reveal that she is an addict, Talulah.

After a certain point, this might be frustrating for as much as you appreciate the grounding Elisabeth provides and her journey from a woman whose husband left her to her standing on her own, then you have this kid who never gets far from the starting line. So she draws all of your attention without any notable reward.


Answers to some questions you may have regarding this movie:

The Reason The Movie Is Named “The Passengers of the Night”

Because the radio show Elisabeth works at calls its listeners and those who call in passengers, and Talulah was one of those passengers.

Does “The Passengers of the Night” Setup A Sequel or Prequel?

Between learning Talulah’s past and learning if her story is real or seeing what happens when she leaves Elisabeth’s family behind again, there is both sequel and prequel potential.

Does “The Passengers of the Night” Have A Mid-Credit or End Credit Scene?


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The Passengers of the Night (2023) Overview


“The Passengers of the Night” leaves us with complicated feelings. With the lead competing with what seemingly should be a supporting character, it is hard to not wish one was downgraded for the other as they don’t compliment with each other but rather compete. Thus leaving you wanting more and feeling like you didn’t get Tallulah’s whole story nor Elisabeth’s.

  • Plot and Dialog - 81%
  • Character Development and Performances - 79%
  • Pacing - 77%
  • Value For Intended Audience - 78%
  • Being Torn Between Wanting More Tallulah Yet Appreciating Elisabeth - 74%
User Review
0/100 (0 votes)



  • Being Torn Between Wanting More Tallulah Yet Appreciating Elisabeth

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