Regular Rabbit (2023) – Movie Review and Summary (with Spoilers)

“Regular Rabbit” is absolutely absurd without having to be violent, slapstick, or implement farce comedy.

Film Summary

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A regular rabbit, who seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time a little too often, gets the blame for incidents often caused by humans.


Our Rating: Positive (Worth Seeing)Recommended

Notable Performances or Moments

How The Animation Conflicts With The Narration

The animation of “Regular Rabbit” is simple, cute, and non-controversial. This makes the narration comical for the way the narration is, you’ll constantly feel like there is going to be a shift, and we’re going to go from this G-Rated looking animation to seeing this rabbit go rabid. When this doesn’t happen, at first, the conflict between the narration and what you think it will set up for the animation is confusing. However, as time goes on, it becomes hilarious.

General Information

Director(s) Eoin Duffy
Screenplay By Eoin Duffy
Based On N/A
Date Released (Film Festival – Tribeca Film Festival) June 19, 2023
Genre(s) Comedy, Animation
Film Length 8 Minutes
Content Rating Not Rated
Noted Characters and Cast
Narrator Rory McCann

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What Is “Regular Rabbit” Rated And Why?

“Regular Rabbit” is rated not rated and features scenes of peril but nothing violent.

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