Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)
Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise is like reliving her books but with the added benefit of Dr. Angelou speaking and her friends and family chiming in on her story.
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Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise is like reliving her books but with the added benefit of Dr. Angelou speaking and her friends and family chiming in on her story.
Documentaries, usually, are not about happy topics. They are about exposing someone’s suffering, sometimes their triumphs, but rarely is the most empowering tales without the shock someone survived all they were put through. So is the case of Audrie and Daisy in which one didn’t survive all they went through.
Custody seems more like a pilot for a brand new show than a stand alone movie. But, even with that said, it is worth checking it out.
I always found it strange when a film is nominated for Best Foreign Film yet none of the actors are nominated for anything, it isn’t nominated for best picture, nor is best director part of the nominations. Which isn’t a setup to say this film is horrible, but more so that it definitely isn’t for…
The Assignment is a sad case of when a good villain is crafted for a mediocre movie.
As a woman who spent most of her career fighting to see her vision come true, even at the costs of her relationships, comes to terms with her mortality. She questions her legacy and how one girl should, and is, going to write it.
Before I Fall is the type film which makes you want to read the book. For you can tell there was probably quite a bit cut which would have, in a rare fashion, made the movie even better.
If Logan is representative of where the X-Men franchise, if not Marvel, is heading, prepare for more than likable characters and sarcastic moments. You may actually end up feeling something. To the point of tears.
My Brother, The Devil may not have any recognizable names to draw you in, but the trailer gives you a certain amount of intrigue. We see young love, violence, homosexuality and family. All together, the trailer sets you up and the movie knocks you out.
Like with Blackfish, I discovered the existence of The Invisible War through watching Bill Maher’s Real Time. The subject matter for The Invisible War, in some ways, shares some similarities with Blackfish in the sense that something preventable was ignored and covered up. But, rather than it be a whale which was the subject to…
Honestly, even being a person of color, I didn’t know the story of Oscar Grant really until I saw Fruitvale Station, and the main reason I saw this movie was because of Melonie Diaz; and because there hasn’t been too many movies featuring people of color, especially black people, not done by Tyler Perry, and…
Anton Yelchin is one of those actors who, I feel, have a sort of Tom Cruise or Will Smith appeal. And while I haven’t seen his two biggest films, Star Trek and Terminator Salvation, I am quite a fan of Like Crazy, Charlie Bartlett, House of D, and a few other of his movies. Alongside…
I stumbled upon this film accidentally and took a leap of faith on watching it since IMDb didn’t, as they usually do, have a trailer available and searching the movie’s title didn’t point me in any direction to find one. However, from the poster I saw a bunch of happy- go-lucky kids playing in a…
Like many people who grew up in the 90s, part of my childhood fantasies were going to Disney World and going to SeaWorld. Of course, neither of which were close, or affordable, so that never happened. But, going to both places, especially Disney World, never leaves your hopes and dreams, and seemingly becomes the type…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Consider Kiki the spiritual successor to Paris is Burning but with a stronger focus on the background of key characters and with a less jaded, and tired of it all, perspectives. For despite each and every struggle we see, there remains hope. You may not fully understand why, but you can…
Paris is Burning is, without question, a legendary piece of cinema. To speak on excellent documentaries and skip this one shows the many issues with any type of film study class. I say this since, often, films featuring people of color are looked over and not mentioned when it comes to said classes. You’d sooner…
After slitting his wrist a man waits to die for he believes he lost the only thing worth living for. That is until he is reminded that there are still people who want, need, and potentially love him.
Overview A handsome entitled young man gets his heartbroken and after the usual cleanse in which he goes through a bunch of women, he finds one he wants to invest in. Thing is, is that feeling mutual? Characters Worth Noting Ray Livingston (Charles Brice) | Rochelle Marseilles (DeWanda Wise) | Paul (Alexander C. Mulzac) |…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) With the rise of YouTube and various other online platforms giving birth to comedians, it has made it seem that just being funny was all it took to become a professional. However, the 50+ stand-up comedians involved in this documentary remind you that being funny is good and all, but that’s…
“As You Are” makes it seem Amandla Stenberg is ready to make it so she won’t simply be known as Rue all grown up and a social-political figure
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) You know how in 2009 people said Orphan would negatively affect adoption rates and how movies like Split give a bad name to those with dissociative identity disorder? Well, Get Out may likely make Black men think twice when it comes to dating white women. Noted Actor(s) Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) |…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) For a little more than a year, between the new versions of Sailor Moon and Digimon, featuring the 1st season’s Digi-Destined, it seemed cashing in on nostalgia was a good thing. But then came Gantz:O.
Overview An unfamiliar tale, with known consequences. We are introduced to the lives of three young people seeking more than what Havana, Cuba can offer. Their plan of escape is the primary focus of the movie. Review I personally haven’t seen this story done and off the bat, the idea is quite refreshing. Also, the…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Mississippi Damned is the rare drama with a predominately Black cast which doesn’t feature comic reliefs but strictly dramatic performances. One heartbreak after another to the point where you’re glad some storylines aren’t as developed as they could and should have been. Trigger Warning(s): Movie Contains Suggested Child Molestation Noted Actor(s)…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Despite being a devoted Kristen Stewart fan, I skipped this movie. However, considering the performances, topics, and dialog of this movie, I’ve come to regret that. Trigger Warning(s): Gun Violence Noted Actor(s) Billy Lynn (Joe Alwyn) | Shroom (Vin Diesel) | Crack (Beau Knapp) | Dime (Garret Hedlund) | Albert (Chris…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) A long time ago I took this off my schedule since I just felt this wasn’t worth a trip to the city, I then pushed it back some more. However, with it being a kind of quiet week I had the time to watch this so I gave it a shot….
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) There is something about French cinema that, I guess since I don’t live in France, makes the topics and characters just seem so refreshing to watch. Like a cleanse to your palate, for a lack of a better term. Yet, while they may present new and different stories, that doesn’t mean…
Kevin Hart, with the assistance of Josh Gad and Jenifer Lewis, combines his comedic talents with a character which isn’t solely focused on bringing you the laughs. Which strangely is a good thing.
This movie might be a pleasant surprise. For one, it features a romance which isn’t about unrealistic showboating and over the top grandeur gestures. Rather, it’s heavily about communicating with someone you like or love and attempting to work through the kinks in your relationship. Leading to perhaps one of the most likable romantic films I’ve seen.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) John Wick is back and while the movie isn’t as lean as the first, with a bit more comedic moments and fights that will make you wince, you learn to deal with the extra fat. Trigger Warning(s): Movie Contains Person Slashing Their Wrists Noted Actor(s) John Wick (Keanu Reeves) | Santino…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) While John Wick certainly isn’t something to be considered noteworthy in terms of the violence, choreography, or story, like the majority of action movies released, it is a decent way to spend almost two hours of your lifespan. Noted Actor(s) John Wick (Keanu Reeves) | Marcus (Willem Dafoe) | Viggo (Michael…
Imperial Dreams shows the struggles which come from trying to get yourself together after going to jail. For with no one wanting to hire a felon, you struggle with trying to stay out of what got you put into prison in the first place. Add in you don’t have any sort of assistance from the…
Overview If the word “Debauchery” doesn’t have Dom Hemingway’s picture next to it, needless to say, someone is going to have their ass kicked! Review (with Spoilers) I heard of Dom Hemingway ages ago while watching The Graham Norton Show, but with no US release date, I honestly forgot about it. Fast forward a few…
Overview A group of misfits discover a friendly alien life form which needs their help to go home. Review (with Spoilers) Let me start off by saying I never saw E.T. so I can’t make any comparisons to it. However, based on the little bit I’ve seen of E.T., I can understand the comparisons. For…
Through a series of women, all very likable, we come to understand what kind of person James is and why he may never be happy.
The Space Between Us is cheesy and cute and while it has experienced a series of delays from August to December to now, it seems more so to avoid serious competition than because it is a terrible movie.
Overview A road trip film in which, yes, the characters may travel far, but it doesn’t seem they really grow or evolve that much.
Overview A 2-hour film which doesn’t have enough action to keep you in awe, doesn’t have a good enough romantic plot to make you envious, and overall it makes you question why does Benicio Del Toro love long movies which go at such a slow pace? Trigger Warning(s): Dead body of a Child Review (with…
Overview Digimon returns for another round and while there isn’t a huge amount of action or compelling fights, we do get to see the challenges which come from being a DigiDestined who still has to go to school and have a life outside of the digital world.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.