
Discover our top picks and latest reviews spanning from blockbuster hits to indie films, shorts, and festival premieres across various platforms.


Asphalt Playground (La cité rose) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

I stumbled upon this film accidentally and took a leap of faith on watching it since IMDb didn’t, as they usually do, have a trailer available and searching the movie’s title didn’t point me in any direction to find one. However, from the poster I saw a bunch of happy- go-lucky kids playing in a…

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Paris is Burning – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Paris is Burning is, without question, a legendary piece of cinema. To speak on excellent documentaries and skip this one shows the many issues with any type of film study class. I say this since, often, films featuring people of color are looked over and not mentioned when it comes to said classes. You’d sooner…


How To Tell You’re a Douchebag – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A handsome entitled young man gets his heartbroken and after the usual cleanse in which he goes through a bunch of women, he finds one he wants to invest in. Thing is, is that feeling mutual? Characters Worth Noting Ray Livingston (Charles Brice) | Rochelle Marseilles (DeWanda Wise) | Paul (Alexander C. Mulzac) |…

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Dying Laughing – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) With the rise of YouTube and various other online platforms giving birth to comedians, it has made it seem that just being funny was all it took to become a professional. However, the 50+ stand-up comedians involved in this documentary remind you that being funny is good and all, but that’s…


Mississippi Damned – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Mississippi Damned is the rare drama with a predominately Black cast which doesn’t feature comic reliefs but strictly dramatic performances. One heartbreak after another to the point where you’re glad some storylines aren’t as developed as they could and should have been. Trigger Warning(s): Movie Contains Suggested Child Molestation Noted Actor(s)…


Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Despite being a devoted Kristen Stewart fan, I skipped this movie. However, considering the performances, topics, and dialog of this movie, I’ve come to regret that. Trigger Warning(s): Gun Violence Noted Actor(s) Billy Lynn (Joe Alwyn) | Shroom (Vin Diesel) | Crack (Beau Knapp) | Dime (Garret Hedlund) | Albert (Chris…


It’s Only the End of the World (Juste la fin du monde) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) There is something about French cinema that, I guess since I don’t live in France, makes the topics and characters just seem so refreshing to watch. Like a cleanse to your palate, for a lack of a better term. Yet, while they may present new and different stories, that doesn’t mean…

One Night (1 Night) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)
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One Night (1 Night) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

This movie might be a pleasant surprise. For one, it features a romance which isn’t about unrealistic showboating and over the top grandeur gestures. Rather, it’s heavily about communicating with someone you like or love and attempting to work through the kinks in your relationship. Leading to perhaps one of the most likable romantic films I’ve seen.


John Wick (2014) – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) While John Wick certainly isn’t something to be considered noteworthy in terms of the violence, choreography, or story, like the majority of action movies released, it is a decent way to spend almost two hours of your lifespan. Noted Actor(s) John Wick (Keanu Reeves) | Marcus (Willem Dafoe) | Viggo (Michael…