1. I just hate the fact that it end up into a tragedy like that, instead the director let the female Sakura to be happy.She even suffer more, Sakura being Murder instead of dying doing what he wants. She even didn’t witness that Kyuto and the man see them in her own eyes happy together, it’s very depressing thou, I know the fact that the point of the director the movie that have to be unexpected. I like the movie but I didn’t like the fact that the director, just allow that to happen to Sakura, the pain of the man is nothing compare to Sakura that being murder. It could be more success movie if only the Director of I want to eat your pancreas. Didn’t let Sakura being murder it would be a happy bit painful movie.
    I love anime but somehow I don’t like the idea of Japanese director to allow characters to suffer that hard and much much much, dying in peace isn’t so Bad after all But that moment that you see that Sakura killed rather than die is very disappointing.

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