1. I share your annoyance with the rape scene and no consequences, but I really am shocked that you think that Republicans or Catholics would EVER encourage a girl who was raped to be a new Mom. This is not the 1950’s anymore and as an atheist, I don’t know, nor have I ever met a Republican or Catholic (I live in a predominantly right of center leaning town with many Republicans and many more Catholics and Christians) who have ever expressed this view of rape and pregnancy. In fact, in large part due to secular arguments and a more compassionate view of abortion when it comes to rape I really think you are misinformed about how people really feel. Did you know that the abortion rates in Red states is higher? I’m certainly not saying that there are not those people out there with a warped sense of compassion or lack thereof, but it really pisses me off when people attempt to make comments like this for no reason and no statistics behind it. You can easily look up rape statistics for states in the US. I encourage you to do so. It’s one of the reasons I started to question faith and god to begin with. I asked myself why rape, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, sexual assaults of minors, abortion, or violent crime would be higher in states that typically swing red and vote Republican. It’s clear that the majority DO NOT feel that women who are raped should just become Mommas and suck up their suffering. It’s just not true. I’m sorry, but, I had to long-windedly say something about this. I don’t like lies or pushing false narratives no matter where they come from.

  2. I’m pretty annoyed/pissed re the rape scene and lack of aftermath. The guy rapes her and we can tell it bothers her but she doesn’t do anything about it and the only thing that happens to the guy is he gets kneed in the groin. In reality a girl gets raped and she might have an STD or be pregnant (and according to most Republicans and Catholics – a new mom). This portrayal is extremely irresponsible.

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