The Birch: Cast, Characters & General Information (with Spoilers)

Title Card - The Birch

A character guide for Facebook Watch’s The Birch featuring cast members names, character descriptions, storylines, and general information.

A character guide for Facebook Watch’s The Birch featuring cast members names, character descriptions, storylines, and general information.

Information is updated as new episodes are released/ watched, and images changed as better ones are captured.

Who Is/Plays Evie (Xaris Dotson)

Evie (Xaria Dotson) plotting her revenge.
Evie (Xaria Dotson)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 1 “Through The Woods”

Evie is a young woman who recently lost her mother, and while her dad is still alive, their relationship doesn’t compare. So, to deal with her grief, she attempts witchcraft in order to speak to her mother. However, that doesn’t work, and her attempts only add to her sordid reputation of coming off creepy.


Additional Information About Evie

Who Is/Plays Lily (Katie O’Grady)

Lily (Katie O'Grady) in a flashback sequence.
Lily (Katie O’Grady)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 1 “Through The Woods”

Evie’s mother who died from a drug overdose and was a nurse when she was alive.

Additional Information About Lily

  • Born 11/24/1975 and died 9/5/2018
  • Evie found her mother dead in their kitchen.
  • Died thanks to a drug named “China White.”

Who Is/Plays Thurston (Dempsey Bryk)

Thurston (Dempsey Bryk) lost in thought.
Thurston (Dempsey Bryk)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 1 “Through The Woods”

Thurston is the leader of a local small-time gang that deals drugs. However, his uncle, Sebastian, is a much bigger honcho and gives Thurston’s name some added force.

Additional Information About Thurston

  • His nickname is Thur.
  • As of episode 3, of season 1, there are four months until he turns 18 and possibly leaves for California.

Lanie (Midori Francis)

Lanie (Midori Francis) getting ready for school.
Lanie (Midori Francis)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 2 “Postpartum”

A teen mom, daughter of a mayor, and someone who may have the aptitude for magic. Lanie is not one to mess with. Hence why her parents have her on Alprazolam to control her and weaken her powers.

Additional Information About Lanie

Rachel (Marguerite Moreau)

Rachel (Marguerite Moreau) having dinner.
Rachel (Marguerite Moreau)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 2 “Postpartum”

Lanie’s mother who is a little less strict with Lanie, but often falls in line with what Don wants to do.

Additional Information About Rachel

Mitch (Isaac Lamb)

Mitch (Isaac Lamb) giving Lanie food.
Mitch (Isaac Lamb)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 2 “Postpartum”

Lanie’s uncle who is more like a friend than adult or authority figure but, like Rachel, doesn’t go against Don’s rules.

Additional Information About Mitch

Don (Wayne Pére)

Don (Wayne Pere) having dinner with his family.
Don (Wayne Pere)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 2 “Postpartum”

A local mayor who, to keep himself from experiencing a scandal, forced his daughter to hide her pregnancy and live her days as if her child is her sister.

Additional Information About Don

Darren (Sheaden Gabriel)

Darren (Sheaden Gabriel) watching Lanie go to school.
Darren (Sheaden Gabriel)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 2 “Postpartum”

Lanie’s neighbor who, despite his age, has a bald spot.

Additional Information About Darren

Thad (Nick Cassidy)

Thad (Nick Cassidy) picking a fight with Lanie.
Thad (Nick Cassidy)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 2 “Postpartum”

The father of Lanie’s child, who is the leader of a group of bullies.

Additional Information About Thad

Ryan (Giullian Yao Gioiello)

Ryan (Giullian Yao Gioiello) in his home.
Ryan (Giullian Yao Gioiello)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 3 “Blood Money”

One of Thur’s buddies who ends up the first victim we know of The Birch.

Additional Information About Ryan

Gavin (Tucker Lipp)

Brody (Tucker Lipp) playing video games.
Brody (Tucker Lipp)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 3 “Blood Money”

Thur’s brother, or cousin, who he plans to take with him when he leaves.

Additional Information About Gavin

  • In the episode we are introduced to Gavin, he is also called Brody. So it could be there was a name change that wasn’t edited out. However, when talking to Sebastian in episode 5, he refers to his brother by Gavin so his profile was changed to reflect that.

Wes (Alexander Neher)

Wes (Alexander Neher) antagonizing Evie.
Wes (Alexander Neher)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 3 “Blood Money”

Wes is the one who killed the junkie who stole drugs from Ryan’s backpack. It wasn’t on purpose, an accident but, in his defense, the dude was trying to attack Thur with a bottle.

Additional Information About Wes

Sebastian (Michael Cram)

Sebastian (Michael Cram) pushing Thurston to step up.
Sebastian (Michael Cram)

Character Introduction

First Noted In: Season 1, Episode 3 “Blood Money”

Thur’s uncle, who is a drug supplier, and owner of a hardware store.

Additional Information About Sebastian

General Information About The Birch

Groups & Organizations

The Diesel Kings

A local gang.

Notable Locations

Cowesman High School

The school Evie and the teenaged cast go to whose mascot is a beaver.

Noteworthy Events

Terms To Know

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