Gleipnir Cast and Character Guide

Alt Title Card - Gleipnir Season 1 Episode 1 “Something Inside of Me” (Funimation)

A cast and character guide for Funimations’s Gleipnir featuring who plays who, information about each character, and other noteworthy information about the show.

A cast and character guide for Funimation’s Gleipnir featuring who plays who, information about each character, and other noteworthy information about the show.

Please Note: This content contains pertinent spoilers, descriptions are updated as new information is presented, images changed as better ones are captured, and this is not an exhaustive list of every cast member, guest star, or reoccurring role.

Shuuichi (Hanae Natsuki)

Shuuichi with his monster form behind him.

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Something Inside of Me”

Brief Description

Sentimental, social, and generally seen as a smart and nice guy, Shuichi comes off as your basic male protagonist. But, in the case of “Gleipnir,” what makes him different is that he can transform into what looks like a high school mascot that carries a gun.

Additional Information About Shuuichi

  • 1.2: In his monster form, people can enter him, and they share internal feelings like anger, sadness, and sorrow.
  • 1.3: Isn’t close to family due to them often working and him in cram school.


Clair Aoki (Touyama Nao)

Clair (Touyama Nao) after pushing Shuuichi off a building.
Clair (Touyama Nao)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 1 “Something Inside of Me”

Brief Description

A tsundere type of girl who Shuuichi saves from a burning building and, in return, she blackmails him. Mind you, to help find her sister, Elena, but nonetheless blackmails him.

Additional Information About Clair

  • 1.3: Is a virgin
  • 1.4: Dad a legislator and mom was a high ranking person.
    • Dad corrupt and mom had affairs.


Elena Aoki (Hanazawa Kana)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 2 “What It Means to Be Empty”

Brief Description

Clair’s older sister who killed their parents and is now in a similar predicament to Shuuichi in that she can transform into a monster voluntarily, or when under distress.

Additional Information About Elena

  • 1.3: Killed her parents 6 months ago.
  • 1.4: Is two years older than Clare.
  • S1E11: We learn she inspired Uchuujin to have people gather coins for him, with the promise to grant wishes. Also, she was one of, if not the first, to give him a coin.


Hikawa (Ishigami Shizuka)

Hikawa (Ishigami Shizuka) with hair in her face.
Hikawa (Ishigami Shizuka)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 2 “What It Means to Be Empty”

Brief Description

One of the “Monsters,” as Clair calls them, who found a coin that grants one wish. Which, for Hikawa, her wish was to get faster, stronger, and that led to her having monstrous-looking legs and arms. Also, with seeing what one wish does, she decides to become a gatherer and find additional coins to make more wishes.

Additional Information About Hikaea


Uchuujin (Sakurai Takahiro)

Uchuujin (Sakurai Takahiro) reading a manga.
Uchuujin (Sakurai Takahiro)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 4 “I Wish I Was Someone Else”

Brief Description

An alien whose people crashed onto Earth, who now trades the coins which are his people in data form for the ability to change the gatherer’s appearance and abilities.

Additional Information About Uchuujin


Mifune (Itou Miku)

Mifune (Itou Miku) looking confused.
Mifune (Itou Miku)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 4 “I Wish I Was Someone Else”

Brief Description

A girl at Shuuichi’s school who is his academic rival and may have a crush on him.

Additional Information About Mifune


Tandaniru Sanbe (Yasumoto Hiroki)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 5 “Crazy Enemies”

Brief Description

A sophomore at Yamakita University who isn’t so much looking to gather coins as he wants to test the strength of his human and monster form

Additional Information About Sanbe


Ikeuchi (Chiba Shouya)

Ikeuchi (Chiba Shouya) in both human and monster form.
Ikeuchi (Chiba Shouya)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 6 “Gatherers”

Brief Description

Ikeuchi gives Shuichi and Clair access to the group of gatherers he is with through blackmailing him. For, with Ikeuchi’s monster form being a camera, as you can guess, he is a bit of a voyeur. So far, seemingly not in a perverted way but we haven’t seen what he is like beyond stalking his crush Yoshioka and getting jealous of her attention paid to Shuichi.

Additional Information About Ikeuchi

  • With his monster form, he can record sound and video, zoom, and even playback what he saw.


Yoshioka (Ichinose Kana)

Yoshioka (Ichinose Kana) in monster form.
Yoshioka (Ichinose Kana)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 6 “Gatherers”

Brief Description

Yoshioka is a animal lover, who wants to become a vet and, due to that, her monster form not only gives her the ears of a dog but allows her to sense animals feelings.

Additional Information About Yoshioka


Subara (Taichi You)

Subaru (Taichi You) with an attitude.
Subaru (Taichi You)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 6 “Gatherers”

Brief Description

A young man with immense power who works with Elena and has a serious attitude problem. Thus making him and his monster form, which may include his parents (?!) even more deadly.

Additional Information About Subara


Koyanagi (Itou Shizuka)

Koyanagi (Itou Shizuka) reacting to Elena's kindness.
Koyanagi (Itou Shizuka)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 7 “Metamorphosis”

Brief Description

The leader of the gather group Clair and Shuichi join who is queer and has a power which keeps people from lying. At least, if they willingly put a strand or braid of her hair around their neck.

You see, the story goes, Koyanagi was having a tryst with her teacher which sadly ended. However, what made a bad situation worse is she told a friend who told others and then that teacher committed suicide. Thus Koyanagi being very clear on what power she wanted.

Additional Information About Koyanagi


Youta (Terashima Takuma)

Yota (Terashima Takuma) being volunteered to escort Clair.
Yota (Terashima Takuma)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 7 “Metamorphosis”

Brief Description

Noted as one of the few members of Koyangi’s team who can fight, it isn’t clear what his monster form or power is.

Additional Information About Yota

  • 1.7: Is 19 and unemployed


Isao (Yamamoto Kazutomi)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 8

Brief Description

A young person who loves flowers and plants and so his power is he can trigger them to go from seedlings to fully grown entities within seconds.

Additional Information About Isao

  • 1.8: Notes he went to Yamada cram school with Shuichi when they were younger


Aihara (Kanemoto Hisako)

Aihara being aloof.First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 8

Brief Description

Aihara is a bit standoffish, which makes her invisibility power a great asset, but it also enables her worst qualities.

Additional Information About Aihara


Morita (?)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 9

Brief Description

A centipede, while in monster form, who is one of Madoka’s minions.

Additional Information About Morita

Notable Episodes


Madoka (Iwata Mitsuo)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 10

Brief Description

The leader of a gatherer group who, before finding a coin, worked in a factory and saw himself as expendable and ostracized. Now he has become king of the losers and plans to give them their hearts desires once he has 100 coins.

Additional Information About Madoka

Notable Episodes


Aiko (?)

Honoka as Aiko, before being caught by Kaito.

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 12

Brief Description

One of the members of the Yamada Cram School who was known for always being on the side of justice, but being bullied smothered that passion.

Additional Information About Aiko

Notable Episodes


Kaito (?)

Kaito with his golden mane.

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 12

Brief Description

Kaito had a crush on Honoka, since they were kids, and during the events of episode 12, he is the only one unable to deal with the fact she wouldn’t be in the friend group anymore.

Additional Information About Kaito

Notable Episodes


Naoto (?)

Naoto with a shocked expression on his face.

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 12

Brief Description

Aiko’s boyfriend who ends up part of Elena’s modern-day team in search of coins, if not trying to keep others from gathering enough coins to become all-powerful.

Additional Information About Naoto

Notable Episodes


Honoka (?)

First Noted In – Season 1 Episode 12

Brief Description

Dark-haired, quiet, usually twirling her hair, Honoka had a crush on Naoto that was unrequited and after her father murdering someone, she bore the weight of his crime.

Additional Information About Honoka

Notable Episodes


General Information

Network Funimation
Creator(s) Takeda Sun
First Aired 4/5/2020

Where To Watch

Groups & Organizations


People who collect wish-fulfillment coins.

Notable Locations

Hotel Mythos

The Love Motel that has the wish-granting vending machine where people can insert their coins.

Yamada Cram School

Where Shuichi, Elena, Honoka, Aiko, and Kaito met as kids.

Terms To Know

Other Noteworthy Information

  • 1.3: It has been 6 months since Elena, allegedly, killed Clair and her parents and destroyed their house.
  • 1.6: If a person has a clear vision of what they want for their powers, they are less likely to have a monstrous form – one that lives up to their subconscious desires.

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