Sex Education:  Season 4/ Episode 3

Amari Allah

Review By

Dominic LeClerc

Directed by

Krishna Istha

September 21, 2023

Written By

Released (Netflix)


While Maeve and Otis are on the outs, Ruby reminds Otis of why they dated as she reminds him of her vulnerability and how much she can compliment his life.


Eric continues to bond with Abbi's crew, leading to Otis being left behind, but Eric is living his best life – including having some fun with a boy from church, Adedeyo.


After a scathing review and learning her mom isn't well, Maeve is UK-bound, and it isn’t clear if she'll return to America.


It's easy to forget that Ruby presents a façade, and in this episode, we're reminded how far she has come and how Otis is one of the few who gets to see her true self.


Community has always been important on "Sex Education," and from Eric to Cal finding their people, this episode amplified its importance.


While their relationship has always been strained, there is no denying Mr. Groff is making inroads to connect with Adam and build a stable relationship.


Yes, Maeve returning to the UK solves her feeling disconnected, but as a Ruby/Otis supporter, this feels like drama waiting to happen.