One Comment

  1. It does appear that Andrews is holding a grudge against Jared..

    Wasn’t it just the 2 episodes back, in his re-entry that: He literally shrugged that hiring-&-firing are entirely out of his domain[ and Lim’s since she’s “the Chief of Surgery”( a post which Andrews preceded), not that Lim appeared anything enthusiastic about Jared’s return( but for that matter, nobody except Shaun and to an extent, Leah and Asher were shown as such, everybody else was likewise apathetic, with the exception that Andrews was being erratically professional and respectful with Jared, even going insofar as to get the emergency surgery-privileges issued, in the greed of that donation money that VVIP patient like Roland could bestow — before the episode’s comical-end must’ve given him with feeling infuriated that all of his charade got him nothing but instead having to tolerate a then-resident who got his residency back by righteously pointing-out how not just Caucasian attendings, but even residents, were let off for conduct as grievously-criminal as sexual-harassment at workplace — nevermind the ‘touch-on-the-cheek’, let alone “slap-on-the-wrist’ of a glorified-inaction upon Claire’s complaint*) — either]..

    …So unless that’s a glaring error by this episode’s credited writers and showrunner[s], *it does not come across as anything other than Andrews being a petty, professionally unfit-for President of the hospital.

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