1. No big deal on the teeny, tiny mistake you made. It’s the first one I’ve ever read in your reviews, and I’ve read a LOT of your reviews! Plus, some reviewers and recappers make mistakes almost every time they write, so I am very impressed with your accuracy!!

    I still think Shawn thinks dating is horrible because the date was too unpredictable, and the date is uncontrollable unlike other aspects of his life (like for example how there is never pickles with his meal when he makes a meal, but on the date they put a pickle right on the plate of his food). I guess we’ll just disagree on that point. But I really hope I’m wrong about Carly being in further episodes because as I’ve written before, I really like Jasika Nicole from her days on Fringe so long ago.

  2. Yay, The Good Doctor is back, and with it, your great reviews!! I’ll start with what I agreed with. The show definitely has a near-perfect cast! I like having Dr. Glassman back as hospital president and perhaps running a clinic, too. (Side note: It was Allegra with a new hair cut that got Dr. Glassman to come back to the hospital, not Dr. Lim.) And having Dr. Andrews as just a surgeon and not the Chief of Surgery might make for some interesting story lines. And I really liked how they paired up Morgan with Alex on one patient and Claire with Shawn on another. I always enjoy seeing Claire and Shawn together. I am also looking forward to learning more about Morgan. And I got a kick out of your question about Shawn knowing about the surgeries that he does – they are weird and seem way too rare for him to come up with them!

    But I completely disagree with your assessment of the results of Shawn and Carly’s date. Shawn not only thought the date itself was a disaster, he thinks dating overall is horrible. That’s why when he was looking at Carly at the end of the show, I think he realizes he likes her, but he is not willing to go on actual dates, so thus he doesn’t go talk to her because that would mean he would have to follow that up with a date, which he will not do. Remember, in the first 2 seasons, he never went on a “date” with Lea but ended up really liking her. Maybe if Shawn and Carly worked in the same department like Shawn and Claire do, so he could get to know her without dating her (after all, that’s what led to the date in the first place – working in the path. lab with her during season 2), then they might become a couple. But as it stands now, with the only option to romance with Carly being dating her, I don’t think it will happen. I hope I’m wrong because if I’m right, then this is the end of Carly on the show 🙁 !

    1. That’s what I get for rushing…

      I don’t think Shaun thinks dating is horrible as much as he is horrible at it and I think it is the fact they did work in the same department, for a short while, and under distress, which is why he asked her out specifically. But, going by previews, this isn’t the end of those two.

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