1. I really thought that Shaun was asking Dr. Melendez about his breakup because he wanted to know how to deal with Lea’s exit. Perhaps the character of Shaun could gain some insight from honest answers. Surgery is not really the best place for that conversation. One of the traits of Autism is not knowing when and where on many levels. IMHO

    1. That’s definitely another way to look at it. I think my issue is, with Shaun seeming capable of learning social situations and understanding vibes to a point, there is this desire to question when can him being autistic be seen as an excuse or an explanation?

  2. I’m making an assumption here so I could be completely wrong. But I was under the impression that people with autism have a problem recognizing and/or dealing with emotions. In many scenes we’ve seen the surgeon’s having conversations that had nothing to do with the patient and Shaun has often said strange things during an operation. For instance the time he told Melendez that he had beautiful hair (I got a kick out of that). I didn’t find it strange that he would ask Melendez about his break up during surgery it just seemed like Shaun being Shaun. Though I was annoyed at how quick he was to run his mouth without being sure what the exact problem was. And yes I was very disappointed with all of his she’s a terrorist talk. It would’ve been nice if he apologized and in the real world there probably would be a lawsuit from the patient and as far as I’m concerned it would’ve been completely justified. She was the one who was actually terrorized by Shaun constantly calling her a terrorist. She’s in a weaken state and with no family or friends with her and I wouldn’t be surprised if the stress Shaun put her under helped contribute to her heart attack. She did start having chess pains after he spoke to her about being a terrorist.

    The whole abusive husband story was enjoyable for me. I don’t think a 12 year old would go to jail for attempted murder. Mostly because he’s a minor he would probably get probation and therapy. Especially if his father really was abusing his mother. To me it’s justified. He’s a child trying to help his mother and children aren’t known for thinking things through. And since the wife didn’t let her husband die there would be no insurance money to collect so what’s the point in calling the police? He’s alive and hopefully the woman and her son are safe. It was the perfect time to leave and I was surprised the wife didn’t think of it sooner. While he’s in surgery you clean out the bank account and pack up your stuff and disappear. It’ll be awhile before he can return home. Giving them time to safely relocate. Hopefully. I had a family member that escaped her abusive husband for 2 years only for him to find and kill her and their children. So yeah the story spoke to me.

    I don’t think Claire is a liability to the Coyle case. She never asked Jared to attack Coyle which was made clear by Jared – that he acted on his own thinking he was doing the right thing (though I doubt he gave it much thought at all or else he wouldn’t have done it). And just like the whole harassment case boils down to her word against his so is her so called blackmail. He has no proof that she told him that she would try to cause him to lose his job if he didn’t help Jared get his job back. And even if he taped the conversation – it would do him no good because he basically admitted that he did in fact harass her. Whether or not she loses her job (and it could happen) her self-respect and self-worth mean more to her than a paycheck and I’m proud that she’s doing the right thing.

    The whole Shaun and Dr. Glassman situation just broke my heart. I feel strongly that Dr. Glassman is being too hard on Shaun. I get it Shaun really hurt his feelings not to mention he already lost one child. Shaun’s rejection probably feels like another loss. I feel for him I do. However I feel for Shaun too. Shaun was right to ask to be treated like an adult. It is a difficult transition from childhood to adulthood for those of us without autism. So it must be even harder for him. Yes Dr. Glassman needed to pull back and allow Shaun to make his own mistakes however he shouldn’t ditch him completely. Who else does Shaun have? Lea who lives across the country? Claire who is a bit distracted with her own issues at the moment? His parents? Ok we all know he doesn’t have his parents. I can see clearly both sides of Shaun and Dr. Glassman’s arguments and it breaks my heart. I hope they can come together in a way that benefits them both. It’s clear they need each other and as the great poet Maya Angelou says “…nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone…”

  3. I’m impressed that Dr. Melendez didn’t smack Shaun when he wouldn’t shut up during surgery! But I Understand how Shaun kept saying she was a terrorist. My daughter, who has autism, perseverates(sp) like that too.

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