Queen Sugar: Season 2/ Episode 3 “What Do I Care For Morning” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
“What Do I Care For Morning” is an episode of growth and recognizing the needs of another person. Be it Charley recognizing the needs of Davis or Ralph Angel to be a role model in their son’s lives. Perhaps recognizing the greatness and intellect in another person as Nova does. If not something as simple…
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“What Do I Care For Morning” is an episode of growth and recognizing the needs of another person. Be it Charley recognizing the needs of Davis or Ralph Angel to be a role model in their son’s lives. Perhaps recognizing the greatness and intellect in another person as Nova does. If not something as simple as Hollywood recognizing the type of woman he has in Aunt Vi and that he needs more of the loving she gives.
Ain’t Nothing Like A Black Woman: Nova, Aunt Vi, Hollywood
With Hollywood back, Aunt Vi and him take three days to get reacquainted. Of which, scene to scene, generally they are either just done making love or resting before the next round. But, the sex aside, we get reminded how beautiful their relationship is. Not only that, but sort of reminded how rare it is to see a woman Aunt Vi’s age, which I believe is somewhere in the 60s, to be girlishly in love, sexual, and not just playing the role of the matriarch.
But we also get a rare sight out of Nova too. Not just her flirting with an attractive Black man, but one who actually challenges her mind. As shown in the first two episodes, Nova has been running through a handful of men for company. However, none of them mentally challenged her like Dr. Robert Dubois (Alimi Ballard). None of them go toe to toe with her much less are about the same social issues as her. So, in a way, it seems she met her match. Which perhaps is why she doesn’t jump his bones.
For if there is one thing I think has become clear, and connects Nova and Charley, if someone is important to them they take their time. For just like Remy matches Charley so well, Dr. Dubois matches Nova. So it should be interesting to see how their relationship evolves. Especially in terms of seeing how Nova is as a girlfriend to a Black man in comparison to a Black woman or a white man.

Though a lot of the focus is on the love lives of Aunt Vi and Nova for this topic, I would be remiss to not mention Nova’s mom and Charley’s mom. For, since we have actually seen Ernest, he has been the noted parental figure who has been the most influential. However, with Charley calling her mom in the last episode and Nova noting what she learned from her mother, the women are finally being given props here.
Heck, though not said outright, though I do believe said before, Aunt Vi surely is another inspiration to these young women. I mean, look at her. She is vibrant, can hang with them girls despite being twice their age maybe, and she has barely slowed down. On top of that, she is in top health, and represents the best of the femme and masculine gender norms. She is strong enough to run a business and the people there, just as much as she is strong enough to be vulnerable, emotional, and forgiving.
Black Fathers: Ralph Angel, Davis, Charley
Though Davis and Ralph Angel are two different kinds of father, both have been inspired by Ernest and seem to desire to match his example. Especially Davis for he didn’t have a father figure in his life until he inherited Ernest. So while the two men are very different in social standing and finances, it becomes clear their goals are the same. Of which, Charley sometimes seems like an obstacle.
For Ralph Angel, Charley is what stands in the way of him being a man. For bad enough he got this rap sheet, but also his sister doesn’t trust him. That is despite her not doing the day to day work. Much less, it isn’t like when he previously asked or took money he got Blue a fancy toy or him a new Ford truck. It seems he gets that while Charley has money, it didn’t come from a tree she shakes every few days. All he wanted to do was make his father proud, take care of Blue, and prove to those who did and didn’t have faith in him, he knows what he is doing.
As for Davis, as much as there is a desire to see the whole scenario as ego or him trying to pick up a win in the divorce, it isn’t that. As noted, he did not have a dad. And while Micah has a village raising him, including a sort of paternal figure like Ralph Angel, and eventually Remy, they aren’t Davis. Much less, Micah is in the type of place where he isn’t eating, sleeping all the time, and that’s when you need your parents. So while Davis hasn’t been the best husband, he at least wants to be a father who is there for his son. Which, for both men, Charley steps aside, with a warning, that she’ll let them do what they need to.
Queen Sugar is perhaps one of the few shows which really leave a lasting impression on you. It isn’t like most shows which have a water cooler moment and once the conversation is exhausted it is over. It’s basically out of your head like everything you crammed for a test. What we get presented with this show is something that stays with you. Something I’d argue is a classic. For even without a gang of mainstream accolades to bolster my claim and it not being a ratings monster, you can see longevity.
I mean, what I see here is the next level of The Cosby Show. We aren’t presented with an ideal version of Black life if Negroes pulled their pants up and went to college, but what life a Black American’s life can be through multiple avenues. Be it the wealthy like Charley who are bougie and sometimes seem like they forgot where they came from. There is also those like Nova who are “woke” and active. Then there are those liker Ralph Angel and Darla. They aren’t woke, bougie, or perhaps the most educated. Alongside that, they may even have some addictions or a past which many may think could have been prevented, yet they are treated as no less human.
What I love about this show is that it isn’t trying to present a respectable Negro but open up the idea that the Black experience, even just in one geographical area, is diverse. Making the showing of the men, especially fathers, in this show so important. For whether they are rich and can provide their son anything or just making it and their main contribution is time and attention, you see the effort and power of fatherhood. Much less
Sun’qhela: Charley, Ralph Angel

I’m going to use that term “Sun’qhela [note]“Sun’qhela is a phrase with many shades of meaning. It says “don’t undermine me,” “don’t underestimate me,” and “just try me.”
“Chapter 1: Run” Location 182-184[/note]” until it isn’t the perfect word to explain a character’s situation. For what it represents is what Charley and Ralph Angel are going through with the Landry clan. Because, despite them boasting about a 100+ year business, they feel threatened. I’m talking so threatened they got drones watching the Bordelon property and even hiring some desperate man to steal Remy’s crop.
Which of course leads to a few confrontations, including with the Black thieves [note]I note this because it shows you the desperation. The people trying to make it so you don’t depend on the Landry family and their monopoly you find yourself forced to work against to survive.[/note]. Thus reminding you, while there are a lot of battles and differences within the Bordelon family, if someone externally tries to come at them, they will catch a lawsuit, a bullet, or some hands. Maybe all three.
I’m not of the opinion that every show needs a villain, and with that I like how the Landry family pops in and out. They aren’t consistently seen or needed, but occasionally pop in to remind you of something which brings the family together. For, as seen, Ralph Angel may come around to see Aunt Vi and see his sisters during family events, but he doesn’t make the effort to just hang out with them. After all, he is a grown ass man who’d rather drink, maybe hang out with Hollywood, or spend time with his chosen family.
Yet, the Landry clan helps push the idea that as different as Ralph Angel can seem compared to his sisters, aunt, and even dad, he is one of them. It is just, he handles and sees things a different way for reasons I can’t fully fathom. Well, outside of him being babied and his gender.
But I should note, before I end this recap, Charley is finally moving out of Aunt Vi’s. After crashing there for who knows how many months, she is finally leaving. Meaning Aunt Vi and Hollywood can be as loud as they want to without worrying about nothing but where they put their draws.
Collected Quote(s)
Remaining silent when one must speak is the slow death of freedom.
My mother always said when someone invites you to a new room, make sure you show up. Don’t go as someone else.