1. Just watched the new special and I found him to be still hilarious. Was he as good as 09? Nope but I think he still killed it. A few stammers and bit confusion for a split second but all in all he made a noteworthy appearance. I’d watch this over Burrs new special any day.

  2. Katt Williams has always done political jokes. He has talked about George Bush and the war, he has spoken about Hilary Clinton when she ran against Obama. Every special he does he makes some type of political reference because he is really into politics. You must not really know his material. I thought the jokes and his style was hilarious. The rhythm of this stand up is very similar to his old stand up. Overall, I thought it was great to see him back.

    1. It was never his bread and butter though, at least to me. Yet, with how long he spent on it within this special, you’d think that was one of his niches. I mean, making a George Bush joke I remember him doing but, I guess the best way to put it is that what I found funny about Katt Williams was his stories, his theatrics, and the way he gave advice to his audience. By no means was his political commentary ever noteworthy enough to remember. So him making it seem like such a huge part of his set, especially after 13 minutes talking about the location he is in, seemed like a major stumble. Especially for a professionally filmed comedy special – meaning, he has finished working out the kinks and thinks he got what he wants to say, the timing, and etc, down.

    1. You think Netflix bought the name and didn’t necessarily get the talent? I think he maybe entering that period where he needs to do indie dramas and see if he can cross over.

          1. I thought the white guy in the 3rd row who kept trying to get all the black people to clap for Obama was funnier than the jokes.

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