1. This is my first time commenting and I just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your recaps and commentary as well!

    I’m on the fence about Jared because I feel strongly that resorting to physical violence as an adult shows a lack of maturity and it shouldn’t be rewarded. In fact I was disappointed that the other doctor’s weren’t fired after it was pointed out to the hospital. I don’t like the idea of people thinking as long as they bring in money they can just treat people anyway they want to even pushing people around. It’s just not a good idea and it screams bad work environment. I’m sorry bringing in money isn’t a good enough excuse, you should at the very least be able to keep your hands to yourself. If not I don’t care how talented you are. That’s what I would do if I was in charge. But I understand it’s tv and I knew they were going to find some way to bring Jared back to work. However I really don’t like how they just ignored the whole Coyle harassing Claire story. If he harassed Claire he’ll definitely do it to someone else. He shouldn’t be working there.

    I don’t see a Claire and Shaun relationship. However I do feel like the show is starting to push Claire and Melendez together. With him asking her for relationship advice and then breaking up with his girlfriend. Plus when Claire taught Shaun how to flirt we all discovered that Claire was flirting with Melendez so we’ll see. Not sure if it’s a good idea but it’s tv!

    1. Well, it doesn’t help that Claire basically tried to blackmail him when it came to Jared getting his job back. He could use that against her if she ever did properly report him.

      I can kind of see Claire and Melendez together in theory, like growing close, but I just can’t imagine them physically intimate. If only because, since they stopped showing that aspect of Jared and Claire’s relationship, the show has shied away from that kind of intimacy. Yet, I must admit I would like to see someone be in Claire’s corney and be worried how she is doing and trying to be a safe place for her to get advice. She gives it her all and doesn’t really get much in return. Well, besides a pat on the back every now and then. Maybe, when not worried about Shaun, Dr. Glassman checks in.

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