Positive (Watch This)

Be it the characters’ perceptions, the jokes or drama, or simply because it seems all the time and effort made into the production seriously just paid off, this is a show to watch.

Pose: Season 1 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

When the industry speaks on new voices, faces, and stories, perhaps the best example is Pose. For with it presenting trans and gay stories front and center, it reminds you of why television can be considered revolutionary.

Atlanta: Season 2 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

The second season of Atlanta doubles down on the eccentrics of the first and with that comes more inventive stories and the question of what was done purely because Glover and co. had the money to do it?

The Chi: Season 1 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

The Chi acts as a bridge between the 80s – 00s Black Renassiance to the modern one by reviving familiar stories, continuing ones that got cut short, as well as featuring characters who were seldom seen or heard.