Queen Sugar: Season 3/ Episode 11 “Your Passages Have Been Paid” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
As Micah’s decision makes the pending jail vote all the much more pertinent, Darla and Nova are forced to also be accountable for their actions. [adinserter name=”General Ads”] Network OWN Director(s) Rachel Raimist Writer(s) Channing Godfrey Peoples Air Date 8/8/2018 [adinserter name=”Box Ads”] This Ain’t Your Fight: Darla, Darlene, Ralph Angel One could seriously argue…

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As Micah’s decision makes the pending jail vote all the much more pertinent, Darla and Nova are forced to also be accountable for their actions.
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Network | |
OWN | |
Director(s) | Rachel Raimist |
Writer(s) | Channing Godfrey Peoples |
Air Date | 8/8/2018 |
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This Ain’t Your Fight: Darla, Darlene, Ralph Angel

One could seriously argue that Darlene, to compensate for not being fully present, and fighting, for her daughter, she has taken up this fight. A fight Darla shows, more and more, she does not want. Not for any reason but the fact she still loves Ralph Angel and has no desire to intentionally hurt their son or him. Yet, both are lawyered up and fighting for full custody.
This is why you got to be careful who you vent to. Especially about people who you plan to have in your life for a long period of time. Darla telling this all to her mom, who may or may not even like Ralph Angel period, was not a good decision. She got time, money, guilt, and that is a horrible combination. I mean, the viciousness of her coming after Ralph Angel made you wonder if, because she knows she can’t talk to Aunt Vi like that, she is coming at Ralph Angel.
All the while, you have to kind of admire that, similar to the film Who We Are Now, Ralph Angel isn’t trying to throw low blows in there. He could bring up how Darla endangered the boy, while doing sex work, but all that got brought up was her being in and out of his life. Making you really see, though it is hard for both of them, neither really want this fight. It’s just, they feel their hand is forced and outside influences are sending them off to a war they barely wanna fight.
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But What’s Your Story, Your Intentions?: Nova, Too Sweet, Micah

With all that is going on with Ant being arrested, and Charley finding out, naturally, Micah runs to Nova for guidance. After all, she is the one who sparked this. Nova is the reason he feels he must speak and act for his community. But Nova reminds him that when he speaks for the community, he needs the community as well. You can’t just work off of your passion and not think about possible results or perception. If your intentions aren’t clear then, if things go south, there is a more difficult road towards forgiveness.
Something she speaks of for herself since she is the reason Too Sweet went to jail. That haunts her a bit and makes her, as her editor Deborah red marks her latest draft, forces her to look inside. Not just tell the stories of the people around her, but tell her own. How someone affected her vs. how they affected the world or community. A task she knows is pending but she might not be ready for yet.
I Lost One Battle, I Cannot Lose A War: Charley, Micah, Davis, Frances
To be frank, Charley ends up bamboozled by Frances. Seemingly, to protect the company, she made sure Colton would be forced out but Charley would miss the vote on the prison. Making it where, if the Parish votes for it, it shall get built. To make matters worse, Micah could be one of the first people in there thanks to his committing arson, vandalism, and trespassing.
But, of course, Micah isn’t thinking right. So, since Charley and Nova aren’t necessarily speaking right now, she turns to Davis to help. Someone who has a bit of a hard time breaking through to his son, but he does. In doing so, we basically learn that Micah is trying to regain his power. After that incident with the cop, he didn’t want to be a victim, maybe even associated with victims. Hence his attraction to Ant and his crew. They spoke out, were activist like Nova. That is, unlike Davis and Charley who, until they came to St. Jo, might not have been in the community at all. Not even in LA.
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However, as for turning himself in? It seems Micah may not do that nor will the rest of Ant’s friends. Which has left his mother hurt for she already got one baby in jail and now it seems she’ll have two.
I get this is a real “No Snitches” moment, but come on now. Micah’s family has money. They can buy a lawyer and fight the case. Ant don’t got nothing! Why is Micah being allowed to remain silent when he has the privilege required that could make this go away?
Leading to this prison situation. A part of me really thinks her not following her gut is what led to this. She got played by Frances who ultimately got what she wanted. It wasn’t to stop the prison, but to take out the sole thing which could mess up the deal! And while, yeah, that meant backstabbing a nephew, lest we forget, Frances is trying to keep her dad’s company from going under. So if it means taking out a liability and letting a prison be built? Damn it, she’ll do what she has to do.
Especially since, what can Charley say? With more than 10% in the company, and holding the secret she sold Queen Sugar Mills, they got her. She wants to fight them, they can expose her. Which, going by Nova and Aunt Vi’s reaction, it would not bode well for Charley.
Question(s) Left Unanswered
- Was the whole interview about Vi’s pies just a means to keep her part of the episode while not progressing her storyline, or any of the ones she recently was part of?
Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs
“We can’t control results. But we can be clear about our intentions.”
— Nova
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- Both Ralph Angel and Darla, alongside Davis and Charley, seemingly willing and able to put aside their issues for all they want is what is best for their son.
- Nova demystifying herself to Micah who has put her on some kind of pedestal.
- It being clear Darlene is working with immense regret and that is driving her push for Darla to fight for custody.
On The Fence
- The never-ending saga between Charley and the Landry family continues to get tiresome and in desperate need to be wrapped up.
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Hey Amari, it’s been a minute, but these last couple of weeks have been so busy and crazy for me, so we haven’t been able to keep up with our weekly QS talks or, Darla talks lol
But I loved your review. I’m gonna get my thoughts together, so you can go first.
Hopefully crazy and busy in a good way 🙂
This custody battle to me needs to just end. I’m tired of the drama and adding Darlene just made the whole situation more exhausting. I’d rather her be on the sides, continuing to heal her relationship with Darla, than jumping into this fight.
As for the rest? To be honest, there isn’t really any storyline right now I’m in love with and want to see more of. Nova’s storyline, whether it is her book, her relationship with Micah, etc, doesn’t get me going. Charley’s fight with the Landry family, I can’t take being her eternal struggle. Especially after that whole “Did you not get the memo” thing. Frances’ betrayal seemed made purely to stretch this thing out. Then with Aunt Vi, honestly, I feel more and more drained as I go on.
100% Like you know how I feel about the RA aint the daddy storyline. I really feel like Ava and all of them can just throw all of season 2 away for all I care.( jk) Like I’m still mad that they wrote this in the show lol
But putting that aside, we talked so much about wanting so many things for Darla come season 3. We wanted her to stay sober, we got that, we wanted her to have job, we got that, we wanted her to go back to school, we got that, and we wanted for her to come back refreshed, more confident, and ready to be a mom again to Blue, we got that ( sort of). It’s like the writers can’t ever make things somewhat stable for Darla. We get all of these things for Darla and then has her son is being threatened of being taken away from her, because what…. She lied, she got herself together. Like I really can’t.
I know Darlene met well but boy did she over step BIG time. It wouldn’t surprise me if Darlene had hand in why Darla turned to drugs in the first place. We sure know Papa Sutton had a role to play with how he is, but with Darlene wanting to look out for Darla and protect her, as she puts it, she more or less lied and manlipulated Darla to get into this custody debate. She was very overbearing and put too much of herself into Darla’s space to the point where it semed like she too is trying to control Darla and have things go her way. Like yeah look out for your daughter but don’t overstep and try to have them follow what you think. Especially when to comes to a child. But like really was 50/50 really that unreasonable RA… Course it was.
We will talk about this episode along with a couple of things from these last couple of episodes lol but this season……very dry and lack luster. Like I agree. No one else’s storyline intrigues me. Your thoughts on my post.
At this point, I want to see more of Darla’s relationship with her dad. That is kind of the last thing that could be intriguing since we’ve got so much of Darlene thus far. Well, that and meeting Davis’ secret daughter. Seeing how his relationship with her is and maybe her trying to become more part of Davis’ established and public family.