One Comment

  1. I have to admit, I don’t really care about the Oscars. While it is nice when a film I liked or enjoyed gets acknowledgement, the vast majority of movies I enjoy don’t get a look in given I have a decided preference in films for pulp fiction with a heavy focus on sci-fi, fantasy, action and horror, none of which get a lot of look in at the awards except maybe for costumes, music or special effects. That said, I’d be far more likely to watch any of the Oscars if they did break it up into smaller streaming segments and you could just watch the announcement of one category or the like rather than sitting through a whole show and all the commentary (and honestly, I usually do catch the highlights for categories I’m interested in – on YouTube).
    I think the big issue here is the Academy need to figure out what the Oscars are actually about. If it is genuinely about the Academy acknowledging films that have a certain prestige in their eyes, then they shouldn’t keep trying to pander to an audience. Maybe scale down the grandeur, and simply celebrate film with those nominated and those who are interested in the values that the Academy represents. If they want to have a popular awards show that gets lots of views, then they need to acknowledge that across all of their awards and not just throw a token bone to the audience and hope that makes us sit through hours of viewing.

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